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[[hand written note]]

James Madden
Story-Telling Contest

Soph. - Jr. Section

First Prize

Joy Mearimore

Fri April 29, 1938
[[/hand-written note]]

[[newspaper clipping]]

[[image - black & white photograph of interior of church]]
Picture by Gerritsen
[[note]] School paper [[/note]]

Orchestra and Solo Work to Enhance Beauty of Program

Once again R. H. S. will give one of its unique Christmas programs. The performance was given yesterday for part of the student body and will be given for the rest tomorrow. For the parents and friends of the students, a program will be presented tonight at 8:15.

To open the program, there will be an instrumental prelude of Yuletide selections played by a brass quartet. The orchestra will then play "Christmas Fantasie" by Grossman. The processional will be "Adeste Fidelis." The Scripture reading, Luke II, 1-20, will be followed immediately by the Lord's Prayer. At the finish of the prayer the a cappella choir will sing "Beautiful Savior".

The choir will continue by singing "Break Forth, O Beauteous Heavenly light" by Bach, and "Oh, Po' Little Jesus" a negro spiritual arranged by W. L. James, the solo being sung by Eddie Brooks.

There will then be a harp solo, "Cradle Hymn" by Luther, played by Beatrice Schroeder. Continuing, the balcony choir will sing a Russian Folk Tune, "Gloria" and "Sleep of the Child Jesus" by F. A. Gevaert. The a cappella choir will sing "The Three Kings" by F. A. Gevaert and "Jesu Bambino" by Pietro Yon. In the next number, "Cantique de Noël" by A. Adam. Joy Mearimore will sing the solo with the choir singing the chorus.

The girls in the balcony choir will then sing "The Angels and the Shepherds", a Bohemian Carol. Next Ruth Gelderman will sing the soprano solo of "At the Manger", an Old French Carol with the a cappella choir singing the refrains. The choir will then sing "A Joyful Christmas Song" by F. A. Gevaert and "Wassail Song", an English carol.

Beatrice Schroeder will play a solo on her harp, this time "Hark The Herald Angels Sing" by Mendelssohn. The a cappella choir will continue by singing "Silent Night" with the balcony choir and the harp each taking part. The last number will be "Gloria in Excelsis (12th mass)" by Mozart. The recessional will be "Adeste Fidelis", bringing the program to a close.
[[/newspaper clipping]]

[[newspaper clipping]]
[[note]] 1939]][[local Ridgewood N.J. [[strikethrough]]P[[/strikethrough]] newspaper [[/note]]

High School Choirs Are Heard in Christmas Carol Service

Young Singers Give Program of Great Beauty, and Charm Capacity Audience with Their Fine Work

Doubtless the most popular event on Ridgewood's Musical Calendar Is the Christmas Carol Service presented each year by the A Cappella Choirs of the High School. One is led to that conclusion by observing the way the High School Chapel is packed beyond its seating capacity on these occasions, as was the case Thursday evening. There was standing room only fifteen minutes before the service was scheduled to begin.

It is easy to understand this popularity when one has once heard the beautiful work done by these young people as the result of the intensive, intelligent training they receive from their skilled director, Miss Florence E. Waller, music supervisor of the public schools for the past thirteen years.

The artistic stage setting, representing the interior of the church, was slightly different in a few details from those of former years. The large, illuminated stained glass window, cleverly constructed of paper in the center of the background, was flanked by tall pilasters on either side of which was a small cluster of gilded organ pipes. The choir stalls extended into rows across the entire width of the stage, with lighted candles placed at intervals on the front rail.

Instrumental Prelude

As a prelude to the service, which was marked throughout by a distinctly religious atmosphere, there were Yuletide selections played offstage by a brass quartet from the school orchestra, familiar Christmas carols played on a small organ in the balcony by Leighton Phillips, music director of the Benjamin Franklin Junior High, and a "Christmas Fantasy" by the School Orchestra led by Donald Cook. 

The a cappella vested choir of thirty-eight mixed voices, after

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singing a verse of the processional hymn, "O Come, All Ye Faithful," then entered the darkened auditorium, and marched to the stage carrying lighted candles. They kept perfect step with the rhythm of the hymn they were singing. On reaching their places on the stage, the choristers with one accord extinguished their candles as they took their seats on their director's signal.

John Crocco, a student, read the usual Scripture lesson – St. Luke's story of the Nativity – and all joined in the Lord's Prayer.

Delightful Tone Quality

The program that followed contained a variety of interesting Christmas carols of songs of different nationalities and periods, all of which were rendered with that delightful tone quality, oft times thereal in its texture, and that fine expression, for which these school choirs have become famous. The a cappellas shared honors with the balcony choir of forty-nine voices, directed by Mr. Phillips, which was heard in three numbers, including "The Angels and the Shepherds," a bright Bohemian carol, sung by the girls. 

The vocal soloists of the evening were Eddie Brooks, tenor, who sang the introductory phrases – in a Negro spiritual, "Po' Little Jesus"; Joy Mearimore, soprano, who sang "Cantique de Noel" (Adam); Donna Phillips, soprano, heard in "Gesu Bambino" (Yon); Ruth Gelderman, soprano, in "At the Manger," (Old French Carol), and Grace Houstoun, soprano, in "Silent Night." Each young singer did his or her part very creditably, their voices carrying marked clarity and sweetness.

Talented Harpist

Beatrice Schroeder again the displayed her talent as a budding harpist in several well-known carols, artistically rendered. One of the most appealing numbers on the program was "Silent Night" in which she accompanied the choirs. It was exquisitely done.

The closing number, sung with proper spirit was the famous "Gloria in Excelsis" from Mozzart's 12th Mass, a great favorite with the a cappella. The "Adeste Fideles" was repeated as the recessional, the deeply-impressed audience sitting in silence until the last notes died away.

Mary Quinn gave splendid support at the piano in the accompanied numbers.

Others to whom credit be[[obscured]] making the Carol service were Elise Y[[obscured]], a senior ed as assist [[obscured]] onduction [[obscured]] hearsals bers of [[obscured]] chairman Gertrude
[[/newspaper clipping]]


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