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The Advertisers of HIGH TIMES Present the

Vol. I. Ridgewood, New Jersey, Monday, November 27, 1939

[[image 1]] 

"Stage Door"

presented by the SENIOR CLASS 
In the Chapel before a capacity audience on Friday and Saturday evenings, November 17 and 18 1939

The HIGH TIMES advertisers present this section to help record permanently one of the most successful and popular plays ever given at Ridgewood High School.  The advertisers wish to [[cut off]]

[[image 2]]
The leads get together

[[image 3]]
"Amid unfinished Scenery".

[[image 4]]
"Say now, Keith!"

[[image 5]]
Judy telling Terry a bed [[cut off]]

[[image 6]]
Hail, hail, the gang's all here

[[image 7]] 
"It's ... Kaye" - Tragedy

[[image 8]]

[[newspaper clipping]] 
Great Throng Witnesses Commencement
[[3 images]]

[[cut off]] scenes at 47th Annual Graduation Exercises of Ridgewood High School as 315 members [[cut off]] of  1940  form in long procession to receive their diplomas on athletic field at the west. [[/newspaper clipping]] 

Transcription Notes:
[[image 1 - black & white photo of girl sitting on a stage set sofa - Ruth Gelderman]] [[image 2 - partial photo]] [[image 3 - partial photo]] [[image 4 - partial photo]] [[image 5 - partial photo]] [[image 6 - black & white photo of girls on stage]] [[image 7 - black & white photo of players on stage]] [[image 8 - partial black & white photograph girl on chair]] [[3 images - three black & white photo of crowds at Commencement]] This project has been reopened for a thorough review. Please take time to review each element of the page carefully before submitting. Best practice is to include a double return between each individual clipping and to use double brackets to indicate the type ( [[newspaper clipping]], [[postcard]], [[plane ticket]], etc.) See "About the Project" for more information.