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[[newspaper clipping]] Music Events Concerts Continue Hectic Pace PAST PRESENT AND FUTURE (perfect or imperfect) concerts go on apace with no let up in sight. The sign is a healthy one and out of it all there will no doubt blossom some excellent material. Trial by error is a worthy laboratorial experiment and some day history will refer to several of these sincere apostles and call them great. THE LAST HALF of February sang out loud and lustily with Jeri Smith in Carnegie Hall the 10th. Arthur Stern, postal clerk tenor, assisted by Edward Margetson at Carnegie Chambers Sunday afternoon the 11th. The National Opera Concert at Convent Avenue Baptist Church the 11th,-"Introduction to Fame" with nine famous artists, including the eminent baritone, Kenneth Spencer, at Carnegie Hall, evening of the 11th. The Jarahal Chorus at the Academy of Music, Tuesday the 13th. COREANIA HAYMAN, soprano, at Town Hall Wednesday 14th - Heito Villa-Lobos, guest conductor at the "Six O'Clock Symphony" concerts at City Center, 13th Edgar Clarke, composer and author, 136th St. Library. 16th - Louis Armstrong, the great, over WNYC Music Festival at the City Center Saturday, 17th - Olive Hopikns, soprano, St. Martin's Little Theatre, Sunday 18th - Eddie Peters, trombonist at Union Baptist Church, 18th - Mary Bruce's Dancing Buds at Belasco Theatre 18th. VARIETY PROGRAMS at Hunter College featuring Pearl Primus, dancer, Saturday 24th - The Euffa Singers, Times Hall, Sunday evening the 25th with Harriet Serr, pianist and Henry Euffa director. (Ensemble of women's voices). - Joy L. Mearimore, soprano, debut recital Monday evening, the 26th at St. Martin's Little Theatre - "Six O'Clock Symphony" City Center the 27th, Leopold Stokowski conducting. THE AMERICAN OPERA GUILD, Inc,. is now rehearsing for a performance of the opera Aida. Bernard L. Grossman, the Guild's attorney is aiding in the necessary steps for incorporation with the State of New York. [[/newspaper clipping]] [[cover of program]] HAROLD J. WRIGHT PRESENTS [[image - black & white photograph of Joy Mearimore]] JOY L. MEARIMORE Soprano In Debut Recital At St. Martin's Little Theatre 122nd STREET and LENOX AVENUE New York City Monday Evening, February 26th, 1945 AT 8:30 O'CLOCK MYRTLE GAUNTLETT at the Piano [[/cover of program]] [[admisssion ticket]] THE SUNDAY SCHOOL Of The Metropolitan Community Church 126th Street and Madison Avenue, New York City PRESENTS LACOSTA BROWN, TENOR IN RECITAL JOY L. MEARIMORE, ACCOMPANIST Friday Evening, May 14, 1943, at 9 Leon Aldridge, Supt., Beulah Brown, Sect. Rev. R. S. Lawrence, Pastor Admission - adults - 50 cents [[/admission ticket]] [[program page]] PROGRAM PART ONE 1. INVOCAZIONE DI ORFEO ... Peri 2. PER LA GLORIA ... Bononcini 1. DIE LOTOSBLUME ... Schumann 2. SOLVEJGS LIED ... Grieg 1. APRES UN REVE ... Faure 2. THE NIGHTINGALE And The Rose ... Rimsky-Korsakov 1. ARIA: Vissi d'Arte, Vissi d'Amore ... Puccini From the Opera "La Tosca" Intermission PART TWO 1. I HEARD A FOREST PRAYING ... de Rose 2. HOW DO I LOVE THEE ... Lippe 1. AS BESS ONE DAY ... Lehmann 2. THE LASS WITH THE DELICATE AIR ... Arne 1.SUMMERTIME ... Gershwin 2.BRITISH CHILDREN'S PRAYER ... Wolfe [[/program page]] [[newspaper clipping]] To Give Recital [[image - black & white photograph of Joy Mearimore]] JOY MEARIMORE, young soprano, who will make her singing debut in a recital at St. Martin's Little Theatre, 122nd and Lenox Avenue, Monday, February 26, 8:30 p. m. Myrtle Gauntlett at the piano.-N.H. [[/newspaper clipping]] [[admission card]] JOY L. MEARIMORE, Soprano in her DEBUT RECITAL Monday evening, February 26th, 1945 8:30 P. M. St. Martins Little Theatre 122nd STREET and LENOX AVENUE Myrtle Gauntlett, at the piano ADMISSION ... $1.00 [[/admission card]]
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