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[[Newspaper clipping]]

Hunter College Girls Build Strong Bo [[cut off]]

[[Image 1]]
HUNTER COLLEGE HELD its annual field day at the Bronx campus yesterday, and as a wartime feature, 300 girls gave a demonstration of body-building exercises designed to fit them for war tasks. This is a general view of the exercises.

[[Image 2]]
RUTH POSELLE OF HUNTER gives a demonstration of bending exercises at the college's annual field day on the campus, Bedford Park blvd. and Navy ave., The Bronx. A feature was a baseball game between faculty and students. Dr. George N. Shuster, president, made a hit the first time at bat.  Journal-American Photo.

[[Image 3]]
A STRONG BODY is an important in wartime as a good mind, and Eleanor Eagle of Hunter is a good example. She took part in the field day exercises on the campus. Journal-American Photo.

[[note]] Spring 1942 - I was the leader of the demonstration. Then [[arrow pointing to above image]] was chosen to stand in front of the left group. My picture does not appear because of the prejudice of the photographer. [[/note]]

[[/Newspaper Clipping]]

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