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[[newspaper clipping]] es for War Tasks [[note]] 5/12/42 [[/note]] [[image 1]] [[image 2]] [[cut off]] is a traditional part annual field day. But [[cut off]] were centered around group exercises – 16 [[cut off]]arts were in use all day in pre[[cut off]] the tennis tournament [[American]] Photo [[Concert program]] [[left margin note]] Herbert Janssen Rosa Bok Marcel Hubert [[/left margin note]] [[center note]] Anders Emile [[/center note]] [[right margin note]] Kurt Baum Irene Jessner [[/right margin note]] HUNTER COLLEGE of the City of New York Dr. George N. Shuster, President HUNTER COLLEGE CONCERT COMMITTEE Academic Dean – ELEANOR H. GRADY, Chairman THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1943 at 8:30 P. M. HUNTER COLLEGE – AUDITORIUM GALA CONCERT FOR THE STUDENT AID FUND PROGRAM: 1. THE NATIONAL ANTHEM The Hunter College Choir and the Audience At the Organ: Anastasia Van Burkalow 2. THE HUNTER COLLEGE CHOIR, Anders Emile, Director: Joh. Seb. Bach-Walter Helfer: "O Thou Whose Spirit Did at First Inflame" (In Modo Exhortationis), Poem by Henry Vaughn Soloist: Ruth Kamarek Richard Kountz: "The Sleigh" (A La Russe) At the Piano: Clara Loomanitz. 3. MARCEL HUBERT, Cellist: Max Bruck: "Kol Nidrei" M. de Falla: "Jeta" M. Ravel: "Habernera" D. Popper: "Hungarian Rhapsody" At the Piano: Harold Dart. 4. ROSA BOK, Soprano, (Metropolitan Opera): Rimsky-Korsakoff: "Hymn to the Sun" from the Opera "Cock d'Or" Bellini: Aria from the Opera "I Puritani" Rossini: Aria from the Opera "Barber of Seville" At the Piano: Otto Janowitz 5. KURT BAUM, Tenor, (Metropolitan Opera): J. H. Rogers: "The Star" G. Verdi: Aria from the Opera "La Forza Del Destino" At the Piano: Otto Janowitz 6. HERBERT JANSSEN, Baritone, (Metropolitan Opera): R. Schuman: "Widmung", "Lotos-Blume" Joh. Brahms: "Wie bist Du, meine Koenigin", "Minnelied" At the Piano: Otto Seyfert. 7. IRENE JESSNER, Soprano, (Metropolitan Opera): H. A. Beach:, Ah, Love, but a day" J. H. Rogers: "At Parting" W. Bransen: "There shall be Music when you come" G. Puccini: "Un bel di vedremo", Aria from the Opera "Butterfly" At the Piano: Otto Seyfert. Master of Ceremonies, MISS VIRGINIA RYAN Arrangements for the Concert by: Benno M. Lee, Executive Director Hunter College Concert Committee Stage Manager: A. LONDIN Head Usher: LISELOTTE HADRA [[Program signed by Met notables: Kurt Baum; Rosa Box, Irene Jessner, Marcel Hubert; and Hunter College Choir director Anders Emile]] [[/concert program]] [[note]] To be in the choir on stage with these Metropolitan Opera Stars was a thrill. [[/note]] [[note]] College graduation [[/note]] [[card]] To help launch Joy [[obscured]] career [[obscured]] landing [[obscured]] ar: – [[obscured]] kles going down, [[obscured]] the gal who's [[obscured]] toast of the town [[obscured]] stuff that [[obscured]] ks with a "pop" [[obscured]] the gal who is [[obscured]] THE TOP Stan 1945 [[/card]] [[note]] Pearl painted my portrait in 1948 [[left-pointing arrow to the name Stan above]] He supplied that champagne too! [[/note]] [[card]] We know you have the stuff, and this is just the beginning – our very best wishes for a long career of success and happiness! The girls from the Back (lunch) Room, Nellie, Shirley, Barbara, Elinor, Elaine, G M, Alma [[/card]] [[card]] Joy, [[image 3]] With best wishes We're proud of you! You've captivated all our hearts. The Bill Jacksons. [[left margin]] left-pointing arrow [[/left margin]] [[/card]] [[card]] Feb. 26, 45 N.Y. City [[Dear?]] Joy, Please accept this [[little?]] gift and may [[your?]] concert to-night [[obscured]]bring some of the acclaim [[obscured]]you richly deserve. With much Love "Gerri" [[/card]] [[card]] May these turn into bright lights Fondly Sol [[/card]] [[card]] Joy We wish you much luck – THE CHAPLAIN'S CHORUS [[/card]] [[Card]] [[image 4]] My Own Dear Joy, Indeed you were our joy last nite. You were lovely. The flowers said so. But in the secrete passages of your soul, you must know it Love has so gently strewed her seeds of pretty flours at your door. [[left-pointing arrow]]Continued [[/card]] [[card continued]] [[kindness?]] will water [[them?]] but Love makes [[them?]] grow. Aunt Holly [[/card continued]]
Transcription Notes:
[[image 1: photo of small bunches of girls in school uniforms performing calisthenics on sports field]]
[[image 2: photo of girls in school uniforms holding ribbons attached to a May pole]]
[[image 3: colored drawing of potted calla lilies]]
[[image 4: A stork flying with river plants behind it]]
*Good guesses of the beginning parts of obscured words in [[]].
Gym uniforms, I think.
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