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My dear, dear Florie,

Your dear letter came at the same time as one from Dira, giving the gratifying news of Joy's success. Of course it was no surprise. But listen! after Dira had written such descriptive words as the following - "a glorious night of nights; a voice of voices; grace, charm and stage deportment unexcelled, entrancing, overwhelmingly appreciated; soul stirring" - she ends up by saying, "Maisie I can't find [[strikethrough]] a [[/strikethrough]] words to describe that child and the quality of her singing." Are you laughing? 

Like you, she sent me a programme, and ticked off the masterpieces. Oh my! how she loves British Children's Prayer! Heavenly, she says, and makes the tears flow. God bless you and dear little Joy. Give her my kiss of congratulation and continued success. 

Even my children - aboriginal Indian and half-breeds are crazy about her. I told them of your visit to Essequibo and the [[obscured]] possibility of your taking a run up. Oh my!

[[second page of letter covered up]]

Transcription Notes:
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