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[[newspaper clipping]]
[[image - black & white photograph of Joy L. Mearimore]]

Miss Joy L. Mearimore

Talented young artiste of New York City and outstanding Mezzo-Lyric Soprano of Radio, Theatre, Concert and Stage, now holidaying in British Guiana will be presented by the Philharmonic Society in a special Recital to be held in the Georgetown Town Hall on June 27, next. All seats are being reserved and can be booked by telephoning Mrs. F. M. Kerry at Central 1017.
[[note]] Chronicle 6/23/46[[/note]]
[[/newspaper clipping]]

[[newspaper clipping]]
The B. G. Philharmonic Society

(Patron:  His Excellency The Governor)
At the Piano:  ELEANOR KERRY.
on Thursday, 27th June, 1946, at 8.45 p.m.
RESERVED SEATS $1.00 & 72 cents.
Phone 1017 for BOOKINGS.
Programmes on sale at the door at 3d. each.
[[/newspaper clipping]]

[[newspaper clipping]]
Joy Mearimore To Give Town Hall Recital
The B.G. Philharmonic Society - Patron His Excellency the Governor - presents Joy L. Mearimore, mezzo-lyric soprano in a recital at the Town Hall on Thursday evening, June 27, at 8.45 o'clock.  Her accompanist will be Eleanor Kerry.

Miss Mearimore, a native of New Jersey, attended Music Conservatory at an early age.  Upon graduating, she entered Hunter College for Women (N.Y. City) where she majored in the Arts.

She is a young artist who charms her audiences with her lovely voice, the ease and grace of her natural poise, and her pleasant personality.

The program is a comprehensive one, and should be greatly enjoyed by those who attend the recital.

Seats may be booked by ringing Mrs. Kerry 1017.
[[/newspaper clipping]]

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