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[[Radio Times page]]
RADIO TIMES June 20, 1952


North Home Service
434 m. (692 kc/s) 261 m. (1,151 kc/s)

In Other Home Services
LONDON (330 m.; 908 kc/s)

5.0-5.55 Children's Hour: handwriting competition results; young artists.
6.15-6.20 Sport.
6.20-7.0 Desert Island Discs: Ellaline Terriss.*
7.0-7.15 Semprini at the piano.*
7.15-8.0 Visit to the Isle Of Wight, with Richard Dimbleby, Raymond Glendenning, David Lloyd James, John Snagge, and Henry Riddell.
10.0-10.15 Old Tracts for New Times; reading by John Glen from Tolstoy's 'Childhood, Boyhood, and Youth.'
10.15-10.45 Flora Nielsen (mezzo-soprano). Frauenliebe und Leben. (Schumann).

MIDLAND (276 m; 1,088 kc/s)
5.0-5.55 Children's Hour: gardening discussion*; play, 'Rushy Fen.'*
6.15-6.30 News, sport.
6.30-7.0 duets: Ethel Williams (soprano): Daisy Neal (contralto): Viola Tunnard and Martin Penny (pianos).
7.0-7.30 Journey in Norfolk on Midsummer Night.
7.30-8.15 BBC Midland Light Orchestra; Owen Brannigan (bass).
8.15-9.0 'Prophet With Honour': story of a prisoner who became Lord Mayor And Honorary Freeman of his city.

SCOTTISH (371 m.; 809 kc/s)
5.0-5.55 Children's Hour: story in rhyme; 'Down at the Mains.'
6.15-6.35 News, sport.
6.35-7.0 Music for You: light music chosen by hospitals in Stornoway.*
7.0-7.40 'June Glories': a tour of gardens in Scotland.
7.40-8.5 Clydebank Salvation Army Band.*
8.5-8.15 Book review by John Kier Cross.
8.15-9.0 BBC Scottish Orchestra. Mozart, Brahms.
10.0-10.15 Viewpoint: talk by Hilton Brown.
10.15-10.45 Ceilidh.*

WELSH (341 m.; 881 kc/s)
5.0-5.55 Awr Y Plant: stori; Cerddi Cymru; sgwrs.
6.15-6.30 News, sport.
6.30-6.45 Newyddion.
6.45-7.0 Welsh serial: Teulu Ty Coch.*
8.0-8.45 'One Girl's War': story of an A.T.S. Private.
8.45-9.0 'Cardiff Castle': talk by John Betjeman.*

WEST (285 m.; 1,052 kc/s and 206 m.; 1,457 kc/s)
5.15-5.55 Children's Hour: story; gramophone records; discussion about athletics and cricket.
6.15-6.30 News, sport.
6.30-6.50 Air Space: listeners' letters.
6.50-7.0 Book review.*
10.15-10.45 Organ and Voices: Douglas Guest (organ); Salisbury Cathedral Choir.

*Recorded programme

A Nursery Sing-Son with Doris and Gwen and Nancy Harris at the piano

Young artists from the North including
Aileen Woods (piano)
John Alexander (songs)
Malcolm Crossland (trombone)
Margaret Kenworthy (songs)
Basil Barker (violin)
Patricia Jones (ventriloquist)
Margaret Hallworth (songs)
Jennifer Longson (cornet)
Philip Buckley (songs)
Joan Hirst and Peter Storah (piano duets)

5.55 The Weather
Shipping and general weather forecasts, followed by area forecasts

6.0 Greenwich Time Signal

6.15 434 m.
News from the North

6.15 261 m.
Northern Ireland News

6.20 news for Northumberland, Durham, Cumberland, Westmoreland

6.25 Sport

6.30 Holiday Harmony
Toni and the Blackpool North Pier Orchestra
Italian Comedy Overture ... Pachernegg
On a Spring Note .... Sidney Torch
Prelude (School for Fathers) ... Wolf-Ferrari
A Strauss Fantasy ... arr. Gomm
Highways and Holidays ... Peter Yorke
Melodies from Call Me Madam ... Berlin

From the North Pier, Blackpool

7.0 Top Town
A friendly contest between towns in the North of England

Round 2: Rochdale versus Southport
introduced by Peter Bond

Joy McLean, singer and choral conductor
James R. Gregson, radio and stage producer
John Bolton, theatre critic
Augmented Northern Variety Orchestra
Conducted by Vilem Tausky
Produced by Barney Colehan
(BBC recording)
[[/newspaper page]]

£4,159 FOR YOU
*1 1/2d. stamp if unsealed
(General Manager for British Isles)
12, Sun of Canada House,
Cockspur St., London, S.W.I

I should like to know more about your income-endowment plan, as advertised, without incurring any obligation.
NAME _____________
(Mr., Mrs. or Miss)
ADDRESS _____________
Occupation _____________
Date Of birth _____________ R. T. 20/6/52

If you are not over 45, this is the plan (for women the benefits are slightly different). You make agreed regular monthly, orderly, or yearly payments to the Sun Life of Canada. At 55 you will receive £4,159 plus accumulated dividends – or £240 a year for life and accumulated dividends. If you are over 45, the benefits are available at a later age.

£3,000 FOR YOUR FAMILY. – Should you not live to age 55, your family would receive £3,000 even if you had made only one payment under the plan.

INCOME TAX SAVED. – Income tax payers are entitled to the appropriate relief from tax on all premiums paid under this plan.

By filling up and sending the enquiry form you can obtain details suited to your personal requirements. The plan can be modified to fit savings large or small, and the proportionate cash or pension is in most cases available at 50, 55, 60 or 65. It also applies to sons and daughters who would greatly benefit by starting now

[[Image: photograph of an orchestra on the stage, performing in front of an audience]]
Toni and the Blackpool North Pier Orchestra
play 'Holiday Harmony' at 6.30

[[newspaper page]]
7.30 434 m.
Jim Phelan, tramp and author, gives listeners an insight into the strange powers and unusual qualities of an ancient (and much misunderstood) race – the Romany folk of Britain
(BBC recording)

7.30  261 m.
Haydn's Trio No. 3, in C played by William McInulty (violin), J. W. Bunting (cello), and Havelock Nelson (piano).

7.30  434 m.
sung by
Sheffield University Madrigal Group
David C. Brown and Jack Pilgrim
Alleluia, I heard a voice Thomas Weelkes
Salvator mundi ... Thomas Tallis
Bow thine ear, O Lord...William Byrd
Rorate coeli...William Byrd
From Sheffield Cathedral

7.45  261 m.
Short Show. Variety, featuring Frank McIlroy (tenor), Denis Forsythe (harmonica), and the Melotones

8.0 John Slater in
from the book
'The Daughter of Time'
by Josephine Tey

Inspector Grant investigates a case from the past: did Richard III really murder the Princes in the Tower?
Presenter...Richard Williams
Grant... John Slater
Marta Hallard... Ellen Pollock
Midget... Patricia Hilliard
Surgeon... Russell Napier
Sgt. Williams... Richard George
Matron... Susan Richards
Brent Carradine... Ronan O'Casey
Porter... Joe Sterne
Production by Neesta Pain who writes on page 4

9.0 Big Ben Minute

Paying for Our Food
Talk by
Cyril Osborne, M. P.

Our food requirements must to a great extent regulate our export policy. Mr. Osborne, whose business experience includes the textile and grocery industries, considers the origins of our supplies of food from overseas and the importance of our exports to those countries.

9.30  434 m.

Those Crazy People
Peter Sellers, Harry Secombe
Michael Bentine, Spike Milligan
The Ray Ellington Quartet
Max Geldray

The Dance Orchestra
Conducted By Stanley Black

Script written by Spike Milligan and Larry Stephens and edited by Jimmy Grafton

Produced by Dennis Main Wilson
(BBC recording)
Repeated on Thursday at 7.30 (Light)

9.30  261 m.
Irish Rhythms. BBC Northern Ireland Light Orchestra; James McIlroy (tenor)

A Midsummer Night's Dream
A selection from Mendelssohn's incidental music
sung and played by the
Maia Ladies' Choir
(conductor, Harold Dauber)

BBC Northern Orchestra
(Leader, Reginald Stead)
Conductor, John Hopkins


11.0 Greenwich Time Signal
News Summary

11.3 app. Close Down
[[newspaper page]]

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