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[[sheet music]]

R.L. McAll, Christmas, 1952

1. In num-bers and but these few, I sing Thy birth, O Je-su! Thou pret-ty 
2. In-stead of neat in-clo-sures Of in-ter-wov-en o-siers; In-stead of
Ba-by born here, With sup'ra-bun-dant scorn here; Who for Thy prince-ly
fra-grant po-sies of daf-fo-dils, and ro-sies;
Thy cradle, King-ly 
port here, Hadst for Thy place of birth a base Out-sta-ble for Thy court here.
Stran-ger, As Gos-pel tells, was no-thing else
But, here, a home-ly man-ger.

3. But we with silks, not cruells,*
With sundry precious jewels
And lily-work will dress Thee:
And, as we dispossess Thee
Of clouds, we'll make a chamber
Sweet Babe, for Thee,
of ivory,
And plaster'd round with amber.


4. The Jews, they did distain Thee,
But we will entertain Thee
With glories to await here
Upon Thy princely state here;
And more for love than pity,
From year to year
We'll make Thee, here,
A free-born of our city.

Music Copyright, 1952, Reginald L. McAll

[[/sheet music]]

Transcription Notes:
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