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Lenox, Massachusetts,

October 8, 1921.


Messrs. Jacques Seligmann & Co.,
705 Fifth Avenue, New York City.


Referring to your letter of October 4th - I hand you herewith my check on the Corn Exchange National Bank of Chicago, to your order, for $33.70, and my check on Morgan, Harjes & Company, Paris, to your order, for Francs 4,147.55, in payment of your bill of October 4, 1921, also enclosed, which kindly receipt and return to my office - Room 1230, 134 South La Salle Street, Chicago, Illinois, and oblige,

Yours truly,
[[signed]] Kate S. Buckingham [[/signed]]

^[[Receipted Sun and returned]]

[[stamped]] OCT 10 1921 [[/stamped]]