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[[image - black & white photograph of the Buffalo Fine Arts Academy]]




November 21st, 1922.

M. Germain Seligmann, 
705 Fifth Avenue, 
New York City.

My dear friend:-

Your good letter of November 6th should have been answered at once but it was necessary to consult the Chairman of the Art Committee and this was not possible until yesterday. I am hurrying a letter to you at once to tell you that I feel highly honored that you and your father are doing such a great favor for us in letting us have the wonderful tapestries that were exhibited at the San Francisco Tapestry Exhibition and we fully appreciate it all. We are most anxious to have them here and will gladly accept your proposition and that of your father, if the expense is not too great. The Chairman of the Art Committee wishes to know what the expense will entail first, as we have very little money for special exhibitions this year and most unfortunately, we have to think of the financial end, even when we have such marvelous opportunities, but I know that you will understand about it all. The Committee does not feel that it can pay any foreign expenses, either transportation or insurance and, if the insurance is too high it will make it impossible for us to take the collection, which will break our hearts. However, possibly you and your father can arrange it all for us and I know you will if you can. If the tapestries are insured while with you, probably the insurance could be transferred to the Gallery. At any rate, would you be kind enough to let us know just what the expenses will be and if this will take too long and if it is necessary I will then cable you.

^[[(February and March every one is away and zero weather-)]] As for the month for exhibition, I would suggest January or April, May or June. Early in January would be the best of all as all the people will be home at that time; then they do not return again until April and May. April and May into June would  be a wonderful time too for the tapestries to be here. We are most anxious to have them and can scarcely wait to see them, if the expense can be arranged.

I am hurrying this off to you to express to you and your father the gratitude of the Art Committee and myself, which means also the infinite gratitude of the Board of Directors and I trust that the expense will not be too great to hold such a marvelous exhibition, which will this year go far toward making a record for our Gallery.