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December 19th 1922

Mr. Frederick C. Buswell
56 Cedar street
New York

Dear Mr. Buswell,-

Following the conversation that I had the pleasure of having with you this morning, in reference to the cleaning of the pictures of your office, I think it would be wiser, in order to avoid any unnecessary expense in trucking, to have the three pictures sent for at the same time. 

Should you think that your office will look very bare while these pictures are out, I am perfectly willing to have one taken at a time, but I thought that, after all, I o ght to make you that proposition. 

Our man will call for these pictures on Thursday morning between 10 and 12.

Hoping that this will be convenient to you, and looking forward to having your visit in the very near future, pray believe me,

Yours sincerely,

(Germain Seligmann)