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The January Class of 1947

[[image - black & white group photograph]]
[[caption]] First Row-Left to Right:  Marion Mitchell, Heloise Carr, Nettie Johnson, Irene Dunlap, Clara Etta Tompkins, Myrtle Rogers.  Second Row:  Myrtle Cloud, Dorothy Snipes, Mae Belle Dunlap, Lucille Williams, Doris Long, Emma Sampson, Sylvia Boyd.  Third Row:  Helen McCombs, Mary Layne, Vada Green, Virginia Suggs, Artie Johnson, Caroline Moss, Mildred Rector, Doris Richardson, Corine Brown, Dorothy Small. [[/caption]]

This class is a small fraction of the talented, ambitious students that entered the college in September, 1942.  The class has now been dispersed into the fields of medicine, laboratory technology, matrimony, Theology, and Linguistic and Military Science.

The class is well represented in the Army, Navy, Air Corps, Signal Corps, Engineering Corps, and Coast Guards.  One member of the class, William Johnson, paid the supreme sacrifice while serving in the army.

The group is represented in almost every organization in the school.  It can boast of the following students in key positions:  President of the Student Council, Clara Etta Tompkins; President of the Glee Club, and Editor-in-Chief of the Yearbook Staff, Irene Dunlap; President of the W.A.A., Caroline Moss; President of the Camera Club, and Mask and Wig, Virginia Suggs.

Among its gifted artists are several pianists, two poets and no less than eight actresses.  This class bases its activities on its belief in the triumph of Freedom and Justice in a complete peace.

[[image - black & white group photograph of class officers]]
NETTIE JOHNSON..........Vice-President
IRENE DUNLAP............President
HELOISE CARR............Secretary


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[[image - black & white group photograph]]
[[caption]] First Row-Left to Right:  Jessie Delashment, Yvonne Fairbanks, Novelite Washington, Ophelia Greenlee, Portia Blackiston, Janet Busch, Lillian Houston and Gladys Still.  Second Row-Left to Right:  Emily Tyler, Gloria Covington, Mildred Walker, Nancy Roberts, Maxine Caldwell and Hazel Aiken.  Third Row-Left to Right:  Minnie Barton, Margaret Harris, Susie Scott, Ethel Bolar and Albernice Alexander. [[/caption]]

There came to Stowe in January, 1943 a class of students who have contributed much to the school.  Its students have participated in all of the activities of the school.  In addition the members have won laurels in other fields.

Calvin Goward and Charles McCain are among the students now serving in the armed forces.

Portia Blackiston won the 1944 music contest sponsored by the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority. Ethel Bolar is captain of the volley ball team of the Women's Athletic Association.  Maxine Caldwell was crowned First Lady of Stowe at the 1944 June prom.  The class gave a successful party to assist her in achieving this honor.

Janet Busch was selected as the Missouri delegate to the American Youth for Democracy national convention which met in Washington, D.C. last May.  Lillian Houston was elected assistant recording secretary of the National Baptist Convention, and is president of the Young People's Department of the Antioch District.

[[image - black & white group photograph of class officers]]

LILLIAN HOUSTON.....Student Council Rep.
MILDRED WALKER......Student Council
NANCY ROBERTS.......Secretary
BESSIE COLTER.......Assistant Secretary

The June Class of 1947
