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27th Oct. 1942.

A peach of a day after a clear frosty night, though glass still at bottom & only showed signs of recovering towards evening.  Scarcely any wind & hot sun except when an occasional cloud passed. 

Got lift in car at 10.15 AM to ford of Baravore & walked up cliffs to Arts Lough where had lunch by lake, then over terribly rough block moraine & heather to cliffs on N. side of Bendoo (?) S.E. & above Arts Lough.  Here an occasional clump of Sax. stellaris, & plenty near head of one gully, the only plant of interest.  Then E. along scarp or E. slope of "Kellystown" (= Cloghernagh) across top of great granite "tor", on which much Sax. stellaris, several clumps of Salvia herbacea & one lovely patch of Vaccinium Vitis-Idaea:  the last two plants on E. side of the tor, which might well repay further working, as it has never been covered with peat & its massive blocks offer abundant cracks suitable for the rarer plants to shelter in.  All this higher ground covered with thin patches of snowing-hail, which fell at dusk or evening of 26th., so that steep  


27.10.42, cont. 

ground & cliffs decidedly slippery in places.  Then down top of scarp to Carrowystick path & so home at 4.40 P.M.

Collected some mosses on lower cliffs & some above Arts Lough & round about, also some taken on stones (rocks) at edge of lake, where there is a zoning of mosses, lichens, &c., quite comparable to that on rocks by the sea.  A two-feet zone of brilliant green mosses apparently marks the lower & upper limits of low & flood level & on this date the level of the water was just at base of this green belt, visible all round the shore;  above this green zone lichens seem to have crowded out the mosses on the larger rocks projecting from the water & would repay study by some lichenologist, if we had one.

Hymenophyllum peltatum in great abundance on all cliff boulders &c. on the steep ground everywhere.

One large water boat-man seen in Arts Lough.  

One Bombus (no doubt B. lucorum & probably ♂︎) seen on moraine just as we left Baravore at 10.30 A.M.