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17.12.42 cont.  Dowth & Newgrange, Co. ME., cont.

details concerning dates of discovery & repairs made in both sites that were new to me.

At 1pm saw many wasps (no doubt Vespa vulgaris ☿☿) at ivy blossom on wall N. of Newgrange tumulus, accompanied by hundreds of Honey Bees (Apis mellifera) which were carrying away great loads of pollen - no doubt in addition to nectar.

The bees were working in a frenzied manner as if they realised that this was a "pet day" indeed.  Had I had the opportunity I have no doubt many other hymenoptera could have been discovered in suitable places.

Ret. by 2.45 train ex Drogheda.

20th Dec. 1942.

Strong W. wind, but not cold.  Walked from Rathfarnham to Willington House (via Templeogue Bridge) & home.
Saw plenty wasps at ivy-blossom in shelter near stables at Willington House.


20th-26th Dec. 1942.

Weather extraordinarily mild, with some quite hot sun & little wind.  Christmas morning opened witha thick damp blanket of mist, after a good deal of rain in forenoon on 24th, which mist described by Daisy & George as "the thickest they had ever been out in in Dublin".  Mist cleared at noon & brilliant sunshine then lasted till nearly 4 o'clock, then dull.  After listening to the King's broadcast (3 p.m.) took bus to Rathfarnham &, as on two previous Sundays, walked to Willington House & home via Kimmage;  by the time we had got to Willington house, quite dull & cooler & I saw no wasps at ivy - not nearly out of blossom but Daisy quite sure she saw one pop on wall before I came along.  When crossing Owenboy at Rathfarnham George spotted three Dippers on stone in stream below bridge at golf club in Butterfield Lane, one of which sang lustily.

Nearly a dozen Snowdrops well in flower in garden in Butterfield Lane, near Templeogue Bridge on 25th.  Ours not yet showing.

On 26th George & Daisy went round by The Narrow Walls & saw wasps at ivy at Landscape, but none at site of nest near The Narrow Walls, where Daisy stung on 16th.  Daisy thought somebody had probably destroyed the nest.  I was on duty in museum!