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27th - 31st Dec. 1942.

Mild weather with much wind & rain continued from Xmas to end of year, during which period & had no opportunity to look for wasps, but none seen or reported after the 26th. (see p. 48).

On 22nd Oct. 1942 Rev. K.M. Dunlop sent me a dead caterpillar of betularia from which about 15 Apanteles  larvae had emerged & spun buff cocoons:  from these between 20th & 25th April 1943 emerged 7 Apanteles spurius all ♂︎♂︎, the remainder did not hatch out. 



1st to 12th January 1943.

Mild weather with much rain & several sharp depressions (storms) occurred during the period with a couple of cold days & snow in the hills on 4th & 5th, then milder than ever & more sun.  Several nice sunny days!  First Crocus seen out was on 10th in garden in Clareville Rd. (No. 20?) & our first Snowdrop ready to open on 12th.

Saxifraga apiculata showing flower spikes 1/2 to 1 inch high on 10th.  On 6th walked round by the Narrow Walls to Rathfarnham but saw no wasps & on 10th by Willington House to Fir House & home bia Butterfield Lane & Rathfarnham bus but saw none either.

12th to 21st January 1943.

Weather continued mainly mild with a couple of nights hoar frost about 15th.  On 17th Daphne laureola at hall door with first flowers open.  On this day took Whitechurch bus in afternoon & walked to Larch Hill, where went all over the very extensive & now largely disused sandpits at W. side of Kelly's Glen, just a Larch Hill gate.  Daisy & George