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Jan. 1943, cont.

discovered this sandpit several years ago, but I had not seen it before.  On Wed. 20th took bus to Fir House, crossed R. Dodder, walked back to Rathfarnham via. Templeogue Bridge & Butterfield Lane & then home by The Narrow Walls & Orwell Bridge:  no sign of Coltsfoot near Templeogue Br., but several buds & two old flowers on Lesser Celandine by stream just W. of The Narrow Walls.  Sax. apiculata in front garden, W. border, with a few flowers open on this date, 20th.  On this afternoon almost entirely hot sun after terrific rain earlier in day & again at night.  21st a lovely day, all sunny, very mild & really hot sun - such a day in April or May would be a blessing!

27th Jan. 1943.
One flower on Coltsfoot near Templeogue Br.  Two yellow Crocuses out in front garden & several flowers open on Sax. apiculata by path to front gate.  Leave-spikes on Carex stricta along motor house wall well up & buds on ♀︎ Salix cinnerea in back garden quite swollen & silvery.  Early plant of Mediterranean Heath ready but no flowers yet open.


3rd February 1943.
A clear cold sunny day, the third in succession, with rising glass & strong W. wind.

Went, with John S. Barbee, by bus to Marlay estate south of Rathfarnham, into which I have been given permission to "go where we like" but had not previously met the principle owner Mr. Love;  walked pretty well all over estate & saw some very likely ground for collecting in various parts.  Celandine in flower & about 8 to 10 Mallard & some Jays seen, but nothing otherwise of interest, though small birds very abundant - mostly Chaffinches.

4th Feb. 1943.
Snowden Sax. oppositifolia - the plant I collected myself & which is growing on Ellis's side of back garden with half a dozen flowers quite "out" though not open at 5.30 P.M.  I feel sure they were open when sun was on bed earlier in day.  Also one bud showing colour on Binevenagh plant on other side of garden, but none on either Snowden or Binevenagh plants in front garden, which are normally out first.  Daffodils in back garden with buds on six inch stalks.  Female Salix catkins look almost open & Alder ♂︎ catkins already open & Daisy says they were open at least a day previously.