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27. 3. 43. cont.  Glenasmole, Co. DU., cont.

Insects swept around "sun-trap" on W. side of lower reservoir, opposite N. patch of Carex aquatilis!
[7 mounted & these labelled 1.1.45!]

Aphidius sp. black legs, 2♂︎♂︎, ant. both 21, near A. pterocommae?
Proctos.  Trichopria? 2
Chalcid 1.
Cynipid 1.
Coccinella 1

Also saw Bombus jonellus ♀︎ at flowers of Berberis & swept a ♂︎ Nomada leucophthalma at same place, just below upper dam & near path by river.  Several other Bombus heard but not identified.

2nd April 1943.

A perfect summer day, with N.W. breeze & much hot sun, very mild;  after several dull days with rising glass following a gale from SW-NW, which lasted 3 days & nights & blew leaves off chestnut trees, &c., & did much similar damage.

About noon E. O'M. saw Small White Butterfly in Leinster Lawn & it was still there at 3 P.M.

In garden, 14 Clareville Rd., at 1.3 P.M. I saw a ♀︎ Bombus agrorum, a ♀︎ Vespa (? germanica) & a Small Tortoiseshell Butterfly.  First flower on Ranunculus auricomus opened.


4th April 1943.

The third perfect summer day in succession but glass falling & some cloud, SW-W breeze.  In museum (on duty) in afternoon.  Sunday.

Saw in garden about noon, 14 Clareville Rd., DU., Small White & Large White Butterflies, ♂︎♂︎, the latter on extraordinarily early date for this butterfly, which was seen at range of 5 feet & watched for some minutes, so that no mistake could be made.  The Small White seen on previous day in garden & earlier on this day also.  Bombus lucorum ♀︎♀︎ seen several times & 1 B. jonellus ♀︎ & 1 B. lucorum seen to visit flowers of Korokia cotoneaster, now in full bloom, but neither stayed long.  Vespa sp. ♀︎ seen.  Andrena nigroaenea a very fresh ♀︎ seen at 11.30 AM. & also a ♂︎, & a ♂︎ seen on previous day at lunch time, no doubt was this species.  No sign of other hymenoptera!

7th April 1943.
Snowden plant of Silene acaulis in flower in back garden.