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17th May 1943 (Monday!) 
Another perfect day, not a cloud in the sky & very hot sun, wind E. but very slight.

Spent day (alone) on the North Bull, going there by Dollymount bus & arriving at 11 A.M.  Went chiefly to look for Idiasta maritima, of which E. O’Mahony has taken 3♂︎♂︎ & 1♀︎ there on dates 8/5, 13/5, 28/5 (♀︎) & 23/8, but saw not a trace of it though I stayed on the ground till nearly 8 P.M.  On way down to the point swept at intervals along salt-marsh, particularly around drains & salt-pans, with intervals of searching for Idiasta (= 1).  Arrived  at Lady Anne’s Bank near the point at 3.20 & had lunch;  then swept flat between that & the strand & all round same (= 2) till 5:30, when had “tea”;  then swept my way back along salt marsh (= 3).  Insects taken at 1 mostly in first mile at Dollymount end, those at 3 mostly at the other end.  Hymenoptera not common & many sweeps failed to  produce even one:  many more out in middle of day than between 5 & 8 P.M., which is quite contrary to my usual experience inland.


17.5.43, cont. North Bull, Co. DU.

Bombus terrestris (3), lucorum (1), hortorum (1), & muscorum (3 or 4) ♀︎♀︎ seen;  various other specimens heard while sweeping but not seen;  1♀︎ seen near bridge almost certain was distinguendus, but not quite certain. 
Apis mellifera ☿☿ abundant at flowers of Lotus corniculatis at 2.
Lasius niger ☿☿ at 2.
Myrmica ruginodis ☿ at 1 & 3
[No other aculeates seen & no sawflies seen all day!]

Taken at 1. 11:30 - 3.0 P.M. 
[27 mounted from 1 & these labelled 23.1.1945]
Only 3 Icks. taken!

Hemiteles  ♂︎, black legs, ant. 20.
Promethes dorsalis  ♂︎, ant. 26.
Diaparsis?  ♀︎, ant. 20.
Apanteles halidaia?  ♀︎, white wings, long terebra.
A. pallipes  ♂︎
A. pallipes  ♀︎