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9th June 1943. 

A very hot & sunny day - the second in succession!

Garden, 14 Clareville Rd., Harolds Cross, DU.

Bombus distinguendus  ♀︎ again seen at Snapdragons in evening
B. hortorum  ☿☿.
Vespa germanica & v. rufa  ♀︎♀︎ in garden as usual for some weeks.
Crabros as usual.
Megachile versicolor  ♀︎ at flowers of Solidago & ♂︎ seen on previous day.

Exothecus incestus √  ♀︎ on Sycamore leaf under birch tree.

Mesochorus  ♂︎, ant. broken.
Campoplex, ant.  at black currants


10th June 1943.

What should have been a perfect day spoiled by jam along coast, where wind strong & east, while inland wind SW & very warm & soft, after a dull warm morning.

Took 10.15 bus to Malahide & went by ferry to The Island, where stayed till 5 P.M. & left by 5.20 buss:  home at 6.15.

Some misty rain on way to Malahide but not enough to prevent sweeping & so was able to collect till 3 P.M. when thick drizzle wet everything & brought out all the snails.

Swept along estuary side of peninsula from Golf Club House to point half-way to Portrane and where had lunch at 1 P.M.  After lunch swept a little more there & then struck seaward across links to the high dunes, where had just started to collect when drizzle made further collecting impossible.  On way back took a few beetles under sea-weed along estuary but no sign of hymenoptera with them.

No sun the entire time we were on The Island & the only aculeates seen were bumbles or the few swept.