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16th June 1943.

Not a good day but the best for a week, after days of heavy showers & cold NW-W winds.  Wind west with showers & thunder about:  fine in morning but showers at 12.30, 2.0 & 3.0 made collecting impossible for some hours.

Went by 10.15 bus to Malahide & by ferry to "The Island" as on 10th, but then took reserve route & went along  seaward edge of the old dunes & later crossed golf links & returned by estuary to catch 6.20 bus home (at 7.15).

After each shower the wind dropped completely & with some sun great warmth resulted & many insects out, but the first & last hours rather spoiled by strong cool wind - this being the only time the vegetation was quite dry - & so small insects kept low & only the strongest swept.

1 = from golf club-house along seaward edge of the old dunes nearly to N. end of golf links
2 = area between highest dunes & the sea at N. end of 1.
3 = edge of dunes along estuary back to club-house & chiefly in 1/4 mile nearest latter.


16.6.43, cont.  The Island, Malahide, DU., cont.

Taken at 1 (or seen!)
[42 mounted from 1 & these labelled 3.3.1945.]

Bombus lapidarius  ☿☿ seen.
B. lucorum  ♀︎♀︎ seen.
[B. terrestris  ♀︎ at 3]
B. muscorum  ♀︎♀︎ & 1☿ seen.
[Andrena albicans  ♀︎ on mignonette at 3]
Crabro wesmaeli  ♂︎♂︎ abundant.
Ceropales maculatus  ♂︎♂︎ swept off Spurge.
Pompilus rufipes, gibbus & plumbeus, 1 each seen.
[Odynerus trimarginatus  ♂︎ swept at 3].

Bethylus sp. several seen, [1 taken with very pale front legs & antennae, at 3]
Anteon spp.  ♂︎♂︎ common.

Dicaelotus?  1♂︎ ant. 27 [& 1 other ♂︎ ? "Vol.1": not mounted]

Cryptinids common, but kept only 3 =
1♀︎ with dark wings (same sp. as taken at Athdown on 24.7.38!) = 
Goniocryptus pauper?  1♂︎, 1♀︎, ant. 29 & 27-segmented.