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22.8.43, cont.  Royal Canal, KD. cont. 

Taken at 1, cont.

Dacnusa areolaris group about 10.
D. bellina  ♂︎.
D. longiradialis  ♂︎.
D. affinis (?) ♀︎, ant. 24, dark legs, stout short stigma, {cf. ♀︎ taken at Glenealy, WI, on 2.10.1932 AWS.
D. elegantula  ♂︎, ant. 32;  ♀︎, ant. 27.
D. misella  ♀︎, ant. 20.
D. (Gyrocampa) uliginosa  ♀︎, ant. 23.

Praon volucre  ♀︎:  not mtd.
Monoctonus caricis & nervosus?  ♂︎ of each:  not mtd.
Aphidius exiguss or salicis?  ♀︎, ant. 13.
Proctos  1:  six mounted! = 
Chalcids  5:  none mtd.
Cynipids  4:  none mtd.

[Chalcid  ♀︎ (Torymus? sp.?) taken by George between Pike Bridge & lock (Deey Bridge) investigating gall of Cynip (Rhodytes rosae) in canal bank]


22.8.43, cont.  R. Canal, KD., cont.

Taken at 2 (& including some large ichs taken in other places along canal.)
[Only 7 mounted from 2 & these labelled 26.12.45!]

Sawfly ♀︎.  Ametastegia glabrata  ♀︎.
Ichs.  vol.1  2♂︎♂︎.
Exolytus  ♂︎.
Pimpla turionellae group  1♂︎ 1♀︎ = P. spuria, ant. 30 & 31 (♀︎), both very small!
P. brevicornis  ♀︎, small } none mtd.
P. detrita  ♀︎ } none mtd.
Glypta ceratites  ♂︎ } none mtd.
G. "longicaudata"  ♀︎ } none mtd.
Lissonota bellator  ♀︎ } none mtd.
Stenomacrus sp.  ♂︎, not mtd.
Cteniscus 2 = Acrotomus succinctus  ♂︎ & ♀︎, ant. 27 & 28 (♀︎).

Campoplegids  4.
Leptopygus harpurus  ♂︎ & ♀︎.
Bracon epitriptus var. 1 miki, but cf. immutator Wesm.  ♀︎, ant. 25.
Aspilota (Synaldis) parvicornis  ♂︎ } none mtd.
Dacnusa affinis  ♀︎ } none mtd.
Proctos  2: one mtd.
Cynipids  1:  not mtd.

[All rest escaped when cork came out!]