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13.9.43 afternoon. = [(2) 13.9.43]
Moor beside boreen above & E. of Clady Bridge, Aherlow, Co. ST.  5 to 6 P.M.

Bombus muscorum ♂︎♂︎ on Scabiosa succisa
B. agrorum  ♂︎♂︎ & ☿☿.
[[strikethrough]] B. derhamellus?? ♂︎ [[/strikethrough]]  I think Psithyrus rupestris!
B. lapidarius  ♂︎♂︎ & 1☿.
B. lucorum  ♂︎♂︎.
Psithyrus rupestris several ♂︎♂︎
Ps. distinctus  ♂︎.
Ps. campestris  several ♂︎♂︎, dark var.
All on Scabious.

Colletes succinctus  ♂︎♂︎ common on heath.
[Vespa vulgaris ☿ on way back along cross road]
[Hemiteles sp.  ♀︎, ant. broken:  in hotel!  ?♀︎ of sp. whose ♂︎ has large "anal forceps"!

13.9.43, AM., concluded from p.326.  Aherlow, ST., cont.

Proctos.  22:  6 mounted.
Chalcids  3:  none mtd.
Cynipids  2:  1 mtd. = 


14th Sept. 1943.

A misty morning (after a fine night) with wind in North or thereabouts & quite cool, turning into a fine cold afternoon after wet misty rain off & on from noon till 2 pm.

Rode across valley on bikes & ascended to L. Curra, where had lunch in mist at ca. 2,000 ft., later went up gully in cliffs at SW of coomb to plateau & round head of coomb to Dawson's Table & summit of Galtymore, 3,018 ft., where had afternoon tea about 5 P.M. in lee of summit & in sunshine:  after tea came back around coomb to bluffs W. of lake at ca. 2650 & refound Hart's 1880 station for Arabis petraea & came back to bikes via ridge N.W. of lake on which stands the pile of stones known locally as The Stone Man.

Saw all plants mentioned by Hart except Oxyria, which for some reason we "mist" & also saw Carex rigida all over summit & plateau above 2500 ft, which for some reason he does not mention.


Transcription Notes:
The image is a diagram of the locations described in the text.