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Buechner cont. -2 

affair as far as they were concerned and none of their business. They further stated that as far as they were concerned, this Dr. Won affair had not effected their cooperation with the SI. Of course they will request guards for anyone going into the DMZ areas but will not furnish lodging or food, except for me or any other SI employee. This may make working in the U. S. areas a bit more of a problem than it should be.

I gave Dr. Kang a copy of the letter, but I do not know how they took the thing. I do not know if Dr. Kang or Hong suggested that Dr. Won go out there. I rather think they were all in on it, but again I have no way of knowing. None of them have mentioned it to me at any time, neither did anyone comment when I reported the reaction before the letter came. I have seen quite a bit of Won since but he does not say anything. Kang and Hong have been tied up in school politics lately, related to some student riots, etc. so I have not seen much of them. I do not know if any one lost face, or thinks he did, on this thing but I do not know why any one should. Only time will tell.

About half of the DMZ scientist are up in the Punch Bowl, or on the way since this morning. I do not know what they are planning to do. When I asked at a meeting on Monday all I got was "to make a survey." 

At the meeting on Monday I tried to impress on them the necessity of getting their plan for the five year plan for their personnel work into Dr. Kang before Dr. Kim arrives. Then the next morning I gave Dr. Kang an outline of the main topics to be included in a project proposal. I wander what will come of it?

Perhaps these professors are procrastinating on this plan business because they think they are beyond anyone else looking over their work? Perhaps they do not know how to prepare a written plan? Perhaps they have no plan and are waiting for us to do it all? I cannot understand their thinking, and do not know how to get anything done. It is most frustrating. If I were working with an American group that was as slow doing anything or as slow getting off the ground I think I would write them off as a poor prospect. Perhaps that is not the case here? Only time will tell.

Sometimes check with Dr. Fosberg and see how he is getting along with the habitat key. I have run to a standstill on getting a key without to much repetition.

Give my regards to those whom I know especially the family.
Edwin L. Tyson
Research Scientist