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9 November 1966


Dr. Yung Sun Kang
Department of Zoology
Seoul National University
Seoul, Korea

Dear Dr. Kang:

You will be pleased to know that the contract between the Smithsonian Institution and the Air Force Office of Scientific Research for Ecological Studies in Korea has now been signed.  Although it was very difficult to formulate the contract initially, we received the full financial support that we requested.  This includes sufficient funds to send Dr. Ke Chung Kim to Korea for the month of January 1967.

In connection with Dr. Kim's mission to Korea I would like to enlist your help in exploring the possibilities for financial support for Mrs. Kim and their new child (Sturat K. Kim) to accompany Dr. Kim to Korea.  I personally think that it is extremely important for Mrs. Kim to accompany her husband since there may be an opportunity for a return of this family to Korea, perhaps with employment in your department as you mentioned to me last September.  I think Dr. Kim has developed into a fine scientist who would be a real credit to Korea.  I would appreciate it if you would contact the Bureau of Culture at the U. S. Embassy in Seoul to discuss the possibility of obtaining funds for Mrs. Kim's travel.  She already has $319.00 from the American-Korean Foundation and requires an additional $711.30.  The Bureau of Culture may be helpful in obtaining funds for this important visit.  A request for such funds could be transmitted through the Scientific Attache or other appropriate office at the embassy in Seoul.  I will be happy to do whatever I can here in Washington to help obtain the funds, but I know that the most effective procedure would be to have you approach the U. S. Embassy in Seoul.  Please keep me informed on this matter.

I am already thinking of requesting additional funds from the Air Force Office of Scientific Research for another 6 months beyond

^[[file: Korea Proposal]]