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26 October 1966


Dr. Yung Sun Kang
Department of Zoology
Seoul National University
Seoul, Korea

Dear Dr. Kang:

I was pleased to see that you strongly approve of the filming in the DMZ study area for the NBC-Smithsonian film on conservation. Your letter to Dr. Tyson stimulated me to thinking of producing a 15- to 30-minute film on the DMZ project itself for use in Korea (using the Korean language, of course!) and here in the United States. If the footage obtained by Dr. Tyson and the NBC representative is insufficient, Dr. Tyson will endeavor to obtain the necessary additional material.  As I told Dr. Tyson, such a film may help us to obtain financial support for our 5-year program. We can do the final editing and producing of the film on the DMZ project right here at the Smithsonian Institution. The main task at the moment is to obtain the necessary footage. Once we receive the original footage or a master copy of it, we can proceed with production of the film. 

You will be interested to know that the notes between the U. S. Embassy (Seoul) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea are now in Dr. Savely's hands and our contract should be signed within a week.  I apologize for the delay; but it seemed to be unavoidable, since documentation of approval of the project the the Korean Government was required prior to signing the contract.

At Dr. Savely's suggestion I requested an amendment to the project to provide for a visit by Dr. Ke Chung Kim. I hope that you will approve of this request for amending the contract. This means that the contract would be increased by the amount of $2,300.  Dr. Savely felt, as you and I do, that a visit from Dr. Ke Chung Kim would be most helpful in assuring the success of the project. Enclosed is a copy of the amendment as it went forward to Dr. Savely.