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I believe you understand that our objective in having Dr. Ke Chung Kim go to Korea as a temporary consultant on the DMZ project is to insure effective preparation of projects by individual Korean scientists. Dr. Kim knows the American system of preparing proposals, since he himself has obtained grants from the National Institutes of Health and elsewhere, and he should be able to help the Korean scientists immeasurably in preparing their specific proposals (including objectives, methodology, budget, etc.). The strength of our 5-year plan will lie in having good, well-presented specific projects from individual Korean scientists. These component projects must then be integrated into an overall unified plan. I think you will agree also that Dr. Kim could help us greatly with the problem of communication of ideas across the language barrier.  Although Dr. Tyson can communicate reasonably well with Korean scientists, we must endeavor to achieve as much refinement as possible to insure success of the project.

May I take this opportunity to express my sincere appreciation for the kind hospitality extended to myself and my colleagues by you and other Korean scientists on our visit to Korea last month.

With kind regards.

Sincerely yours,

Helmut K. Buechner
Head, Office of Ecology
Museum of Natural History

Letter to Dr. Savely
dated 25 October 1966  
^[[w/o bio sketch & pubs on Kim]]

cc: Dr. Tyson