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25 October 1966

Dr. Harvey E. Savely
Director of Life Sciences
Air Force Office of Scientific Research
1400 Wilson Boulevard
Arlington, Virginia 22209

Dear Dr. Savely:

In connection with the developing program of research and education in ecosystem ecology in Korea, Drs. F. Raymond Fosberg, Lee M. Talbot, Harold J. Coolidge, Edwin L. Tyson and I visited the study area immediately south of the Demilitarized Zone of Korea. We also discussed the developing program with Korean scientists from Seoul National University and other universities in Seoul. Dr. Tyson is remaining in Korea under the contract for a period of about eight months to collaborate with the Korean scientists in the formulation of a long-range plan.

After reevaluating the situation in view of my trip to Korea and reports that have been provided by Dr. Tyson since mid-September, I find that it would be extremely valuable in assuring success of the long-range objectives to send Dr. Ke Chung Kim to Korea, for a period of about one month, to advise on the program that is evolving.  Dr. Ke Chung Kim is curator of insects at the University of Minnesota. He is a native Korean who studied under Dr. Yung Sun Kang, Co-principal Investigator on our contract, prior to coming to the United States for his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees. Dr. Kim has been in the United States continuously for the past nine years and has developed into an extremely competent scientist who knows the American granting system thoroughly.  At present he has an NIH grant.

I would like to request an amendment to the contract between the Air Force Office of Scientific Research and the Smithsonian Institution entitled "A Cooperative Program of Ecosystem Research in Korea" in the amount of $2,300.  These funds would be allocated as indicated on the accompanying sheet.  Dr. Kim would visit Korea as a consultant to the Smithsonian Institution to (1) determine the potential role of the cooperative program of research in ecosystem ecology between the Smithsonian Institution and Seoul National University in the long-range development of a national science program of significance to the management of natural resources in the economy of Korea and (2) provide 
