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[[underlined]]PUBLICATIONS OF KE CHUNG KIM[[/underlined]]

1955. The significance and perspective of animal taxonomy.
Bull. Coll. Lib. Arts Sci., Seoul National Univ., 3(2): 22-245. 

1956. A taxonomic study of the family Agelenidae in Korea (Araneida). Thesis for B. S. degree, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea (in Korean; unpublished). 

1956. A list of spiders of Korea. Korean J. Biol. 1(1): 47-79 (Kap Yong Paik and Ke Chung Kim). 

1963. A quantitative taxonomic study of the [[underlined]] Enderleinellus suturalis [[/underlined]] complex (Hoplopleuridae: Anoplura). Syst. Zool., 12(3):134-148 (Ke Chung Kim, Byron W. Brown, Jr., and Edwin F. Cook). 

1964. A note on the synonymns of [[underlined]] Anaphothrips zeae [[/underlined]] Moulton Ent. News, 75:128-129.

1964. A revision of the genus [[underlined]] Sphaerocera [[/underlined]] Latreille (Sphaeroceridae: Diptera) in Neartic Region. The dissertation for Ph. D. degree, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota. 

1965. A revision of the genus [[underlined]] Sphaerocera [[/underlined]] Latreille (Sphaeroceridae: Diptera) of the Neartic Region. Diss. Abstr. 26(2):1230

1965. A review of [[underlined]] Hoplopleura hesperomydis [[/underlined]] complex (Hoplopleuridae: Anoplura). Jour. Parasit., 51(5) :871-887. 

1966. The nymphal stages of the three North American species of the genus [[underlined]] Enderleinellus [[/underlined]] Fahrenholz (Anoplura: Hoplopleuridae). Jour. Med. Ent. 2(4) :327-330.

1966. A quantitative taxonomic study of the [[underlined]] Hoplopleura hesperomydis [[/underlined]] Complex (Anoplura, Hoplopleuridae), with notes on [[underlined]] a posteriori [[/underlined]] taxonomic characters. Syst. Zool. 15(1) :24-45 (Ke Chung Kim, Byron W. Brown, Jr., and Edwin F. Cook). 

1966. A comparative external morphology of adult Sphaeroceridae. ^[[(Diptera).]] Misc. Publ., Ent. Soc. Amer. [[strikethrough]] (in print) [[/strikethrough]] ^[[5(2):77-100]]

1966. A new species of [[underlined]] Hoplopleura [[/underlined]] from Thailand, with notes and descriptions of nymphal stages of [[underlined]] Hoplopleura captiosa [[/underlined]] Johnson (Anoplura, Hoplopleuridae). Parasitology (England) (in print). 

1966. The species of [[underlined]] Enderleinellus [[/underlined]] parasitic on the Sciurini and Tamiasciurini (Anoplura, Hoplopleuridae). Jour. Parasitol. (being reviewed). 


Transcription Notes:
It's [[underlined]] NOT [[underline]] [[underline]]NOT a big difference[[/underline]]