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exhibits and learning aids, testing and evaluating new methods of interesting students in learning and involving them with the methods and attitudes of sciences.

[[underlined]]MISCELLANEOUS MATTERS[[/underlined]]

The meeting considered a number of organizational and administrative matters, for example, the position of the Korean National Science Museum Center in the government structure.

Appropriations to date have come from the Ministry of Education; therefore, it is logical to assume that the museum will be operated in the future as a branch of that Ministry.

Annual programs will be planned and requested in a budget submitted to the Minister of Education, by the Museum Director.  When funds are received, specific allocations to programs and the specific programs will be decided by a board.  (Perhaps this board will be advisory, although the committee suggests that it should have a stronger role than advisory.)

The governing board should be selected from areas of science; higher education; primary, second and high schools; conservation; industry; etc.  A method of selecting this governing board must be firmly decided ahead of time to avoid conflict or ill-will.

The meeting feels that the proposed table of organization should be revised to indicate the top governing body as the Ministry of Education, then the museum board and the Museum Director in the line of progression.

It is suggested by the meeting that the Museum Director have the title and rank equivalent to a university president in the

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