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3 October 1966


Dr. Edwin L. Tyson
c/o U.S. Embassy
Seoul, Korea

Dear Ed:

   We now have approval from Mr. Ripley to "borrow" $5,200 from the private side of the Smithsonian to be used for purchase of the vehicles, following the plan indicated in the enclosed memorandum. You will be receiving, if you have not already received it, a letter delegating you as contractor to purchase the vehicles. The letter will suggest that you purchase through the military to avoid payment of Korean customs duty, but keep in mind that another pathway is through the Korean Government. The American Embassy should be able to help you if you choose to follow the latter pathway.

   I understand you will be receiving a check for $5,200 along with your letter of authority to purchase the vehicles.

   I have picked out four pictures from the contact prints of your film for enlargement, which is the only way of really testing the quality of your pictures, and I will send them to you as soon as they are ready. There seems to have been quite a variation in your exposures.

   I hope that through help from the embassy and the military you will be able to secure the vehicles with little delay.

   Are you settled in a conveniently located and pleasant house? Please extend my best wishes to Aura.

Sincerely yours,

Helmut K. Buechner
Head, Office of Ecology

Enclosure ^[[Memo from HKBTO Mr. Ripley  re vehicles for Korean Project dated 19 Sept.]]

P.S. Under separate cover I am sending you a copy of the Preliminary Report of the Smithsonian Task Force on Tropical Biology. Please keep this report very confidential. Note what I say in the covering memo to the few people who will receive the report and also what I have said on page 35. There will be special meeting in Panama 10-12 November with about 40 people from various organizations to discuss development of a broad program in tropical biology with emphasis on Panama without specifically pointing to the research in relation to the new canal as a focal point. 

^[[File. General-Tyson]]