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13 October 1966


Dr. Edwin L. Tyson
c/o U. S. Embassy
Seoul, Korea

Dear Ed:

Immediately after reading your somewhat discouraging letter concerning problems that we anticipated, I telephoned Dr. Kim at the University of Minnesota to determine whether he would be willing to go to Korea on behalf of the Smithsonian prior to Christmas to assist with the establishment of a better understanding of our objectives. He was to discuss it with his wife who is expecting a child in November (possibly early November), and he may be able to come for a period of 2 or 3 weeks this year. Assuming matters were handled with discretion and our Korean colleagues would respond appropriately, this may be a mechanism for obtaining the full backing and help that is required in preparation of the 5-year plan.

The contract with the Air Force should be signed today or tomorrow. [[marginal note]] ^[[ within 1 or 2 weeks!]] In this connection a cable from the embassy in Seoul to the State Department here, referring to the memorandum of agreement with the Korean Government, was essential. To avoid any possible misunderstanding, however, I would appreciate your asking the embassy to send me a photocopy of the agreement signed with the Korean Government. I should have asked for a copy when I was in Seoul!

I had a long talk with Dr. Fosberg yesterday about securing the mutual understanding and cooperation that is basic to the success of our venture in Korea. At this time I merely want you to know that this is a problem which is paramount in my thinking and that I will make every effort possible to achieve success in helping Korea to establish a program in ecosystem ecology.

I shall be writing to Dr. Kang, with a copy to you, as soon as the contract is signed.

I think you understand that I am prepared to send Dr. Kim to Korea on funds from my Office of Ecology.

^[[file: General - Tyson]]