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^[[recd 10 Oct]]


4 October 1966
% U.S. Embassy
Seoul, Korea

Dear Hal,

First, let me take care of the direct business. Enclosed are my Travel Vouchers for both August and September. I hope this is the way they are supposed to be given so the secretary can see how to type them. The plane tickets from Tokyo to Seoul and return were returned to me. No comment was enclosed, so now I wander what the story is---about the $300?

Now, I just finished writing a letter to Dr. Fosberg. In this I told him many things that I really mean for you too, so I ask him to send the letter over to you, by so doing I can save the strain of typing the same thing over again. As you can see, my typing leaves a lot to be desired.

They, Dr. Kang and company have had two meetings on the DMZ project, one which they did not want me to attend because he knew there was going to be some bickering between the Korean scientist. The other which I did attend was cut and dried before it got started. The results are in the letter to Fosberg.

One time you ask me what I thought of the Panamanian scientist and how to best they could be worked into work in Panama. If you remember my answer was something like this. "By all means include them but do not give them a leading role where they have control of what takes place". That would have been excellent advise here too. In conversations with Dr. Kang it is quite obvious he has no idea how to go about any sort of field work. This is quite clear in his decision to take out all the scientist at one time or none should go. He does not want me to get military transport to take out the plant people now---before frost---while collecting is good. I think he is afraid one scientist well get more trips to the field, thus more money.

Under the circumstances I am handicapped in getting out with the scientist individually and trying to get some idea about his capabilities. More so now when I do not have transportation, and feel too conservative to rent a car for my sole use, when we will have transport pretty soon---I hope. On second thought, perhaps Dr. Kang is trying to keep the group together so I will have no opportunity to see just what they can do individually. 

It is quite obvious that most of the scientist have little idea what we are trying to do this year. They want to discuss publishing their work this year, so I tried to tell them that the best place was to publish in their usual journals. Also, that I did not expect many completed projects, but for the purpose of