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If I can get this from each one I will have some idea as to how he thinks concerning his field.  Numbers 4 and 5 will be interesting when they get answered.  Dr. Kand suggested that they get this done by the end of January.  Then I further pointed out that with this I could use some of their ideas in my plan at the end of March, but without these reports I would through necessity have to use my own judgement.  That statement might stimulate some of them to put in his two bits.  Actually I personally have little hopes for much to come of this.

In my list of projects for each subject heading, I have stated as many things as I thought feasible . At the last meeting I passed these out to each of the persons interested and asked them to add any ideas that they might have [[strikethrough]] have [[/strikethrough]] that I had not mentioned.  No one made any comments.  I also tried to point out that none of these projects was a complete ecosystem study in itself, but that each impinged on many others at some place.  Everyone bowed his head like he agreed with me but I don't think I reached them at all.  In fact sometimes I think that nothing I say really reaches home, not only in DMZ discussions, but in everyday conversations as well.  Sometimes I feel completely usless in dealing with these people.

Dr. Kang is real concerned about the money not coming.  I told him that it was not expected until sometimes after 15 October, but here again they have no idea about how this granting business works.  And as I mentioned earlier, I do not think he or they really believe what we say about the money being held up because of the granting process.  They think, I feel, that we have some other motive.  Please advise on this money business and the cars from Japan.

All the way through this letter you perhaps get the feeling that I'm discouraged.  To a certain degree that is true, but not too much.  It always discourages me to see grown up men fight like a bunch of wildcats, especially when I am in the middle and cannot make any statements as to how childlike they are acting.  And it also discourages me to think that they think I am too stupid to see what they are doing.  I feel certain they--Drs. Kang, Hong, and perhaps others--think I do not know about the infighting.  They fail to consider their own students feelings and ideas---and the students know I consider them human.

So much for this time.  I will keep you posted on things at this ^[[end]] as best as I see them.  Give my regards to the people whom I know and especially the family.



Edwin L. Tyson