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^[[recd 24 Oct]]
^[[SP A-1]]

%U.S. Embassy
Seoul, Korea
21 October 1966

Public Information Division
8th U.S. Army Information Office

Dear Sirs,

The Smithsonian Institution and the National Broadcasting Company are producing jointly a series of TV shows on the activities of the Smithsonian Institution. In support of this program, I have been instructed to cooperate with the NBC News, Seoul for the filming of the scenes of some of the projects of our ecosystem research program being conducted in the area immediately south of the Korean demilitarized zone (DMZ). We expect to take sufficient footage of color film for one fifteen minute program on the work near the DMZ as well as supporting footage for programs on conservation and ecology.

Producing these films near the DMZ has been approved by the State Department in Washington, the U.S. Embassy in Seoul, and by Dr. Kang Yung Sun, Korean scientist responsible for the interest of Korea in the Smithsonian-Korean cooperative research program.

We wish to request your assistance in obtaining permission for this work in the DMZ area. We anticipate no more than two (2) days on the project if the weather permits. All of our proposed scenes will be in the vicinity of Freedom and Libby bridges, an area which, we understand is under control of the U.S. Forces.

Attached is a list of subjects which we request permission to photograph. Staged scenes of scientist at work will require general background subjects such as streams, vegetation, hillsides, road banks and at no time will any object of military importance be included. As our plans progress, I will furnish you with a list of Korean Scientist that will be photographed in connection with the special research projects.

Thank you for your cooperation in this program which we think will be of great interest in the United States.


Edwin L. Tyson
Research Scientist
Museum of Natural History

Mr. Ronald Gaffe, NBC News, Seoul
Dr. H.K. Buechner, Smithsonian
  Institution, Washington

^[[cy furnished Mr Grayson, 26 Oct]]