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25 October 1966


Dr. Edwin L. Tyson
c/o U.S. Embassy
Seoul, Korea

Dear Ed:

I am still not at the point of evaluating your research ideas, but I must write you on a few other matters.

As you can see from the enclosed correspondence, I have requested an amendment to our contract to enable us to send Dr. Kim to Korea. I am sending out a letter (copy enclosed) to Dr. Kang in the same mail as this one to keep him informed of the change.

I have received the official exchange of information between the Republic of Korea and the United States regarding permission to use the area south of the Demilitarized Zone for our studies. Dr. Savely will be receiving these documents and the amendment this afternoon. Presumably the contract will be signed within a day or two. I shall send you a cable when it is signed!

Thank you for coordinating the filming operation for the conservation film. I was pleased to have the authorization from Dr. Kang. I hope very much that a 15-minute film on the DMZ program can be developed as well as scenes to be used in the NBC-Smithsonian conservation film. Perhaps it could even be a half-hour program on the DMZ project itself. If the NBC footage is insufficient for a 15-minute or half-hour program, please let me know and I will seek other financial and field support to complete a DMZ film. Dr. Kang seems to like the idea, and I would like to do everything possible to help produce a short film for use both in Korea and here in the U.S. Incidentally, such a film may help us in obtaining financial support for the 5-year plan! Therefore, your efforts are extremely worthwhile. Perhaps you can get to the NBC representative or someone else with the proper camera equipment to obtain the additional footage that we may need. If necessary I will help finance the filming in the field from my Office of Ecology funds.

I am sure you are doing everything possible to obtain the footage for NBC at the earliest moment. Time is really critical, as you can see

^[[cy furnished Dr Ke Chung Kim]]
^[[file: Tyson]]

Transcription Notes:
Identical to letter #171