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is best and wait for a reply. The military say it will take 18 months. 

I got the copy of the report of the Smithsonian Task Force on Tropical Biology. I read it with much interest and look foreward to hearing more about how things work out. Really and truely, since my first visit to the tropics in 1957, that has been my favorite place not only for working but for living.

Yesterday I went out to the Army salvage yard and made arrangements to pick up anything they have that we need at no cost to the project. I suspect during the year we will be able to get many things that we need. They have millions of items from tanks to socks with holes. If I keep up with this I expect we can save a lot of project money.

The shipping invoice for the box of books, etc. came yesterday but the package has not yet arrived. I will check for this and the check again tomorrow.

The people from NIH and the army medical lab in Japan were over here the other day. They plan to reorganize and continue the research on mammals and Korean Hemorrhagic Fever. They seemed glad that I was here to help out a bit. Both of the people from NIH and Army were old friends of mine from Panama and Bolivia. So if you have no objections I hope to be able to help a bit. Besides they will be able to finance the mammal work in the DMZ for a few years even if we have little money. Also I hope to be able to get a bit of transport from them in the very near future. The Captain that I was supposed to see about this has been out on some field problem and will return on Saturday this week. They also have about 400 mammal traps that we will probably be able to use. Please comment on this when you write. In the meantime I will go right ahead like I think it is O. K. for me to get involved. Oh, the main hemorrhagic spot is the Chorwon area, the second place we visited, when led by Lt. Kim, ROK.

We are having another meeting of the DMZ group this afternoon. I do not know just what they are planning to talk about because no one has mentioned any subject to me. I did get invited though. So far I have not said much as to how I think things should go, but if Dr. Kang continues to drag his feet, I think I will try to initiate more things, especially with the younger members of the crew. Now, the reason I say the younger members is because the older ones were educated under the Japanese system and they will do nothing unless the oldest member suggest it. The younger people see the fallacy in this. Nothing gets done unless the leader thinks of it. Many of the students would throw this right out now if they thought the could get away with it. This delicate situation I must play by ear.

So much for today. If anything comes of this meeting, I will write more in a few days. Regards to everyone. 


[[signed]] Ed [[/signed]]
Edwin L. Tyson
Research Scientist
Office of Ecology