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Notes on Rolls # 2 and 1

Roll # 1

[[underlined]]Dr. Ch#ung Yung Ho[[/underlined]]

Collection algae on the banks of small creek.  Algae is a blue-green which adhers closely to the rocks and must be scraped off.  Beautiful red tree in background is a maple.

[[underlined]]Dr. Edwin L. Tyson and Mr. Yoon Il Byong[[/underlined]]

Sweeping for insects along trail, putting insects in killing bottle, then looking at insects in hand.

First shot of Mr. Yoon catching frog and the frog trying to get away.
Part of this no good.  Later the frog is being places in bag.

Tyson and Yoon looking for frogs in water weeds.  Finally catch small frog, make close up then place all in collecting basket.

Roll #2

[[underlined]]Dr. Hong Soon Woo[[/underlined]]

Collection Aster and placing it in vasculum then turning and collection moss from large rock.  You may be able to see the rain.

[[underlined]]Dr. Chung, Hong, and Tyson[[/underlined]]

Stretching tape out over vegetation like we are doing a line transed, Tyson recording data, Chung has white jacket.

[[underlined]]Dr. Tyson[[/underlined]]

Tyson walking along rice paddy dike looking for place to set rat trap.
Finds likely place and puts out trap.  Bait is apple.

Tyson setting trap under rock in edge of rice paddy.  Raining.

[[underlined]]Yoon, Chung, Tyson, and Hong from Left to Right[[/underlined]]

Collecting in spring rice paddy.  This may have about the same flora and fauna as a bomb crater in DMZ.  Perhaps you can see the rain.