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Smithsonian- NBC DMZ shots

[[underlined]] Roll # # 3 [[/underlined]]

First scene--Freedom bridge from rice paddy side to the DMZ side. Both low and high level views.

Scene 2--Lt. Col T. H. Middleton Jr. showing Tyson and Chang some points of interest on the map. Note " 2nd Division sign in the background.

Scene 3---The tall grass--[[underlined]]Miscanthus [[/underlined]] facing into the sun. The whole field is a mine mine field as is shown by the sign near the camera Probably the most dangerous place in the DMZ.

Scene 4---Railroad bridge across small creek showing how much the vegetation has grown since the DMZ was ewtablished . Lt. Col. Middleton showing us the map and the location of North Korean Out Post. Scene across abandoned rice paddies.

Scene 5---Orange and white bar is the entrance to the DMZ proper,  Shot leads form this to the white ^[[?]] that marks the southern limit of the DMZ.

[[underlined]] Roll # 4[[/underlined]]

Shot over rice paddy showing [[strikethrough]] [[##########]] [[/strikethrough]] hills in background. Before the DMZ was abandoned these were naked hillsides. The far hill is an out post of the 2nd Division.  They keep the area around the OP open for better visibility.  Note ^[[t]]he vegetation in the foreground that has grown up since 1950.  Grass again is [[underlined]] Miscanthus [[/underlined]].

Scene 2--Creek bed in DMZ.  Note how the once diked creek has grown up and the trees-mostly willow  ([[underlined]] Salix [[/underlined]] ) on the shore.

Scene 3--Panamaric view of rice paddy showing the paucity of trees.  Those present are willows. ^[[Interest in that paddy has no trees - only dike.]]

Scene 4-- Walking away from and into the camera.  Showing soldiers, guards and on the right of Tyson is Capt. J. N. Danielson, our escort officer.

[[underlined]] Roll 5--- [[/underlined]] Walking into and away from camera as above because possibly last scene NG . Stopping and looking at dear tracks.

Close up view of forest then showing the litter and soil.  Comparative view of soil in forest and on the bare clay hills.  Actors Chang, Yoon and Tyson

[[underlined]] Roll 6 [[/underlined]]

Long scene of bird netting. Actors Mr. Yoon and Ham.  Then scene with leaf Dr. Wang actor.  ^[[Dr. Wong & Crew including Ham has banded 50,000 birds this year.]]

Scene 2--Rice paddy in small creek showing the different types of vegetation at the different levels.  Dr. Chung actor.