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Cont--Smithsonian-NBC DMZ shots

[[underlined]] Roll 7 [[/underlined]] --

More of rice paddy as in last part of roll 6.  In all there are five terracas each with ^[[/]] a different type of vegetation.

Scene 2--- Creek in rice paddy.  Note how creek is walled in and has no trees on it. Village and bare hillside in background.

Scene 3---Bare hillside above rice field.  Actors just walking--L to R Ham, Chung and Yoon.  Note rice drying on hillside.

Scene 4.  Yoon and Chung on naked hillside.  Red clay soil with many rocks.  If soil develops the farmers carry it away to the rice paddies.  Close up of rock soil showing no layering as usual in soils.

[[underlined]] Roll 8--- [[/underlined]]

Scenes in a farm yard of Korean family.  Note especially the brush and grasses piled up as winter fuel.  Korean family present and carrying on their work.  Note homemade fan for cleaning the dust form soy beans.  Note bar hillsides in the background.  Note rice straw thatch.

Scene 2.  Showing fireplace and Korean woman lighting fire with the grass and brush.

Scene 3.  Small stream at left showing hillside where brush and grass has not been cut for the winter.

Scene 4.  Man hauling fresh cut brush and grass in little cart along road.  Note brush hillside where the brush have as yet not been cut.

^[[Keep in mind, bareness of hillside is directly proportional to number of people living in vicinity. People still use brush & grass for winter fuel but by Korean law it is a [[underlined]] crime [[/underlined]] to cut a pine tree.]]