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[[underlined]] ^[[To Bruhnu?]] [[/underlined]]

15 November 1966

To:  Dr. Kang Yung Sun, Department of Serology, Seoul National Univ.

From:  Dr. Edwin L. Tyson, Office of Ecology, Smithsonian Institution

Subject:  Format for DNZ Research Project Proposals

Each project proposal should contain the following information:

1.  [[underlined]] Research Objective: [[/underlined]] State exactly what you plan to do, in as few words as possible, and indicate how you think your project will add [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] to scientific knowledge and/or be of value to Korea and humanity.

2.  [[underlined]] Relation to the state of knowledge in the field: [[/underlined]] Indicate what is known in your field of research in Korea or any other area of the world.  Is your plan based on a new approach to the subject.

3.  [[underlined]] Plan of work: [[/underlined]]  State exactly how you propose to attack your problem.  Be specific but do not go into great detail.  Everyone recognizes that changes may be ^[[necessary]] later.

4.  [[underlined]] Location of work: [[/underlined]]  Indicate the best location near the DMZ where there are adjacent inhabited areas for comparison.  List two or three alternate areas.

5.  [[underlined]] Personnel: [[/underlined]]  Indicate just how much of your time will be used on the project.  How many assistants will be necessary to carry out your [[strikethrough]] w [[/strikethrough]] work plan.

6.  [[underlined]] Bibliographic sketch: [[/underlined]]  The following items must be included:

a.  Date and place of birth.
b.  Education. (List all colleges and universities attended giving dates and degrees you received)
c.  Honors. (Academic awards etc.)
d.  Major research interests
e.  employment. (begin with your present job and list back to your first professional job)
f.  Committee chairmanships and professional society offices held.
g.  Scientific societies to which you belong.
h.  Selected bibliography.  (List a few of your most important papters)
I.  Equipment needed.  (List specialized equipment such as pH meters, steel tapes, traps or other collecting equipment, chemicals, nonstandard glassware, etc., but do list notebooks, pencils, etc.