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Things to keep in mind when preparing proposal

1.  Work location should be the best possible.  Even so, please keep in mind our transportation problems, security guards and other dangers of working near the DMZ.  Also keep in mind the loss of time involved in traveling to your work site.  For example, if your plan requires weekly work, the plan should indicate sites near Seoul and possibly near commercial transportation.  If you can work in one place for several days at a time, and then perhaps never return, you may be able to work along the entire DMZ.

2.  On certain projects, one location of work may be better than trying to work in too many sites.  With the number of scientist on the DMZ project, we can work along the entire DMZ even if each works in one place only  In the final analysis, most of us will be working in the same general area due to lact of vehicles.  However, if we know whether the majority wish to work, travel plans can be made accordingly.

3.  First year work plans should be designed to dramatize changes taking place in the DMZ area, and not designed simply to show what is there.

4.  For proposals to be attractive to granting agencies in the United States, they must be realistic, well thought out, and within the abilities and time available to the scientific charge. [[strikethrough]] Each [[/strikethrough]]

5.  We know we have a good project.  Now it is our job to get some evidence to that effect and convince granting agencies, which are usually administered by sound business men, of that fact.  Simply to point out that we have a good project and that we have fifteen or twenty distinguished professors and  [[strikethrough]] [[obscured text]] [[/strikethrough]] will not be enough.

6.  Dr. Kim Ke Chung, Korean scientist who has worked in the United States for nine years,will be in Korea in late December or early January to aid each of you in revising your proposal.  He is well familiar with the granting process in the U. S. and he can be of invaluable assistants to each of us.  His time will be limited, so please try to have your proposal ready no later than 1 January 1967.  If you have problems in writing English, prepare your proposal in Korean and it can be translated later.

7.  Finally, keep in mind that our project is an ecosystem research project and this will require that we work together from time to time in order to bring the different components together into an overall picture.