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^[[Rec'd 5 Dec]]

WASHINGTON, D. C.  20560 [[/preprinted]]
28 November 1966
% U. S. Embassy
Seoul, Korea

Dr. H. K. Buechner
Office of Ecology
Smithsonian Institution
Washington, D. C.  20560

Dear Hal,

I have here several letters from you, including those to Dr. Kim and Dr. Kang. T here are several comments which I would like to make on them, then I will say a few other things.  Also, I wish to make a few more comments on my ideas about the project, however that may come in a future letter.

First, a comment on Dr. Kim's correspondent including a letter form him to me.  Dr. Kims letter indicated to me the expects to get the Korea scientist moving.  Actually, I do not think he will make them move ahead very much faster than any one else.  I have been on them since September to come up with a proposal as to what they hope to do during the first five years. Only last week Dr. Kang finally told them to get a proposal ready by December 15 so we could go over it before 1 January. I am looking forward to see what they do?  Kim is already in the rush-rush American system and I am sure he has about forgotten the slow motion here.  Maybe you could point this out when he comes to Washington so he will not be too up set over matters.  As Dr. Davis in Japan pointed out for there, de [[strikethrough]] s [[/strikethrough]] ^[[c]] ide how long it would take an American to do a ^[[/]] project, then multiply it b2 for Japan.  I expect you would have to multiply by at least 3 here.  Perhaps you should point out to Kim that his is not a Foreign Aid program, but one where the SI has responsibility for the financing and dispersing the money.  Already Dr. Won is conniving as to how we can get some of the money in our pockets.  I think he found me pretty cool to the idea.

Now to the letters to Dr. Kang.  I do not know just how Dr. Kang will take to the idea of me having anything to say about the money.  He has not mentioned your letter to me, and at no time have I mentioned that I get copies of all your letters.  I expect he will show it to me one of these days.  I went to the Embassy to get an appointment for Dr. Kang to discuss the possibility for getting money for Mrs. Kim.  They told me that they did not pay the way for the family, but would pay the air fare for the scientist if he were coming here to see about a job which would return him to Korea, and for that reason they would not make an appointment.  Dr. Kang went down anyway, but he did not tell me what they said, in fact, he did not even mention to me about his trip.  Miss Harvey told me he went down. I do not ^[[know]] what other sources he has looked in to.

Now for the letters from you:  The accounting system sounds O. K. to me.  One thing I do not understand, where did you list the money that will be paid to the assistants and drivers?  Personal compensation has been

^[[by furnished Dr. Kim 5 Dec.]]