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^[[recd 29 Nov]]

22 November 1966

Dr. Edwin L. Tyson
Research Scientist
Smithsonian Institution
c/o United States Embassy
Seoul, Korea

Dear Ed: 

I have recently run across some references that might prove of use as background for the Korea project. There were apparently several studies done right after the war and another one sometime in the mid-fifties on forestry and land use in Korea carried out by the U.S. Army. I have been told but I don't have a direct reference that a Dr. Lincoln Landall published a report on Korea sometime in the mid-fifties. He was a forester with the army and his work should be available through the U.S. Forest Service, USDA. Another report which I saw was carried out by the army and published in 1946. The title is "Japanese Natural Resources" by Ackerman. It is Report Number 47--1946 of the Natural Resource Section GHQ-SCAT, Tokyo. This report should be on file in Japan. If you cannot find it or need additional references you might write Prof. Dan Luten, Department of Geography, University of California, Berkeley, California.You could say that I suggested that you write him as a result of my discussion with him about Korea.  

In my experience the frustrations that you describe are absolutely typical and should be expected for anyone doing your kind of work in Asia. It just seems to require an overdose of patience and tact, both of which you seem to have. Good luck. 

With all best wishes to you and your wife. 

Sincerely yours,

Lee M. Talbot
Research Biologist
Office of Ecology
Museum of Natural History

^[[cy fur. Dr. Kim 5 Dec,]]