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19 January 1967


Dr. Edwin L. Tyson
American Embassy
APO San Francisco 96301

Dear Ed:

Please accept my apologies for not having answered your recent letters. By now you must be making good progress with Ke Chung Kim. Your efforts in combination with Kim should produce the kind of results we need to develop an effective program in Korea.

During a conversation between Savely, Kim, and myself, Dr. Savely pointed out that the Air Force probably would need to support the project for 1 more year to allow sufficient time to implement the 5-year plan under funds from a private foundation, such as Ford. Despite our vigorous efforts to prepare an excellent proposal for the Ford Foundation and our submission of such a proposal by midsummer, it may be January or February of next year before such a 5-year plan could be implemented in Korea. Therefore, an extension of time under the present Air Force contract seems essential.  In view of the extended time, you could stay in Korea beyond April.

It will take some hard work by you, Kim, and myself to put together the proposal as we will submit it to Ford. I can envision 1 or 2 months of hard work here at my office to accomplish this. This will involve not only drafting and redrafting, hard thinking, good communication between the 3 of us, and plenty of secretarial help, but also informal discussion with people at the Ford Foundation or elsewhere to obtain feedback prior to submission of the proposal. While you and Kim are together in Korea, please give some thought to re-evaluating the present plan, possibly allowing September and October to put the proposal into final form. I would want you, Ed, to be in my office during that time.  If we can submit the proposal to Ford by the end of October or early November, the 5-year plan might be implemented early in 1968.

We should be giving some thought to your future, Ed. I am watching for opportunities that may develop for you in Panama, elsewhere in