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WASHINGTON, D.C. 20560[[/preprinted]]

[[stamped]] RECEIVED 
DEC 30 1966
OFFICE OF ECOLOGY [[/stamped]]
27 December 1966
c/o U. S. Embassy
Seoul, Korea

Dr. H. K. Buechner
Office of Ecology
Smithsonian Institution
Washington, D. C. 20560

Dear Hal,

I have just finished reading about everything that I have written to you or here for my own information so as to refresh my mind on all my thinking before Dr. Kim arrives. After so doing, it occurs to me that I have not said many real encouraging things about the project or the people involved. It looks like I have more or less spilled the things that bother me in one way or the other. Actually, there are many encouraging things taking place that are stimulating the Korean scientist to pick up their ears and get going. For one thing I think, after months of ^[[my]] frustration they are beginning to see the value in getting something down on paper in the form of individual work plans. Most of them have completed this now. Another thing the cars will be shipped from Japan on 20 January 67 so it looks like we will be out in the field as a group soon. The money has been transfered to the bank near the school so this will not be a hold up. Then this past week end---Christmas---a Mr. Engel from the ^[[Nat]]. Academy of Sciences, one of Dr. Collidge's friends was here explaining some of their work in east Asia. He very forcefully pointed out the value of having good plans for a project before you could expect to get any financial support. Even Dr. Kang commented on this and mentioned ^[[and now understands]] my continual effort to get the DMZ group off the ground. Mr. Engel talked like I had coached him on what to say, but think goodness the Korean Scientist knew that I did not know him, neither did I know who he was until he arrived.It is funny how an outsider can get a point across so easy sometimes. I have seen it happen many times before.

I most certainly am looking forward to Kim's arrival. I feel certain he can get things moving right along, more so now that we have the cars, money, and ^[[have sold]] the idea that a plan is necessary. The objects for Kim certainly are comprehensive, but I think we can get most of the things off the ground in one month, especially with the ground work I have managed to prepare in advance. You can be assured that I will follow, lead, or go hand in hand with Kim on his many aims here, which ^[[ ever]] appears most appropriate.

Your objective for Kim, no. 7, to develop interinstitutional programs interest me very much, especially concerning graduate study. After I discuss this with Kim, I will write a long letter on my thinking. I will wait for Him ^[[before I]] comment on most of the others.

Regards to everyone whom I know. I have finished the habitat key and will try to type it pretty soon.


[[signed]] Ed [[/signed]]