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[[oval date stamp]] RECEIVED OFFICE OF ECOLOGY JAN 20 1867 [[/oval date stamp]]


16 January 1967
Seoul, Korea
APO San Francisco 96301

Dr. H. K. Buechner
Office of Ecology
Smithsonian Institution
Washington, D. C. 20560

Dear Hal,

This is a note to explain a thing or two that I understand from some of the students that Dr. Kang has written you about. First, he bought a telephone for something like $250. I told him that I did not think the auditors would approve this purchase, but they would approve monthly rental of a phone. Second, He is paying everyone on the project a salary, beginning last fall sometimes.  I pointed out that the proposal stated that no salaries were to be paid except to drivers and assistants. He pointed out that you said salaries could be paid in conversation in town at a resturant last fall.  I thought that I clearly understood that the salaries you were talking about were for the five year plan.  He differs.  Dr. Kim agrees that I told Dr Kang the right thing. Now he wishes to buy a typewriter. ^[[Perhaps a rental too; would be better.]] Will this be a legitimate purchase--frankly I do not know, however, my inclination is to say no for this little proect we have this year.  Please comment.

After Dr. Won's little trip out to see the general to get a car for us, I had a long talk with Col. Griffin.  He found out that the Korean Scientist were not working for us, and that they had the money.  He made a few remarks and they sounded something like this:  When you send money over here they will try to buy everything they need or can think of and then come back for more money.  In other words they will try to milk you dry of every penny they can.  Now my reason for making this statement is to point out that I think we should stand firm and to the letter of the proposal and contract before we set the precedent that could be a king size headache on the five year contract.  Col. Griffin also stated that after about five years in Korea that he has found it best to never give a little bit on any money matter.  Please comment on this too.

All is well with both of us, Kim and I.  The family is getting along fine.  We have about 15 proposals for work but none would top a C in freshman class research plan.

Best Wishes,

[[signed]] Ed [[/signed]]
Edwin L. Tyson

^[[ I believe it wise to require two signatures on checks from bank. So far I have learned of expendatures only after they were made.]]