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[[5 column table]]
14:00-16:00 | Continuation of plenary meeting | Walker Hill |   |   
th Sep. (Mon.) 10:00-12:00 | First meeting of working-level group | " [[ditto for Walker Hill]] |   | 10 American Scientists 4 Korea Scientists 6 Government Officials
18:00-20:00 | Reception party | " [[ditto for Walker Hill]] | Minister of Foreign Affairs |   
th Sep. (Tue.) 10:00-12:00 | Second meeting of working-level group | " [[ditto for Walker Hill]] |   | 12 American Scientists 4 Korean Scientists 10 Government Officals
th Sep. (Wed.) 13:00-16:00 | Lecture and Sound Movies(16mm) | Y.M.C.A. or Information Service |   |   
18:00-20:00 | Reception party | Korea House | Director, National Science Museum |   
h Sep. (Thu.) 10:00-12:00 | Conclusion and recommendation draft | Walker Hill |   | 12 American Scientists 7 Korean Scientists 3 Government Officials