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2) Specimens and distribution map:
 a. Specimens for all the kinds of useful plant and poisonous plants are made.

 Also, a convenient self-evident discremination method and classification index are made.

 b. Distribution map revealing covering density by the ecological regions and Gun (probinces unit of administration in Korea) for useful plants is constituted.

3) Surveys for utilization:

 a. An effective and convenient or incident utilization methods for edible and medicinal plants are made.

 b. All the useful plans are classified by utilization for potential use in agriculture, e.g. vegetables, flowers, soil conservations, feed crops etc. and medicines or other purpose.

 c. The utilization value in respect to plant parts, constituents, growth and reproductive habits, also, economical possibility for each useful plant is surveyed.

 d. With the important plan constituents or conponents, a biochemical determination is made.

4) Surveys on the ecological and growing charartors of useful plants revealing ecological adaptability in Korean locality.

 a. Growth habits and life cycle:
 Woody, sharbs or herbicious of annual, biennials, perennials.

 Growth and flowering season type of vernalization or photoperiodism, e.g. long day tpe of annuals or biennials and short day type of annuals etc.
 low temperature vernalization type etc,.

Reproduction type such as seed reproduction or asexual reproduction by modified structures of rhyzome, bulbs, corms tubers etc.,

 b. Ecological charactoristics:

Mesophytes, hydrophytes and Xerophytes by moisture adaptability.