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[[preprinted]] OPTIONAL FORM NE. 10
GSA FPMR (41 CFR) 101-11.6

TO : ^[[Mr. Ripley]] DATE: ^[[29 July 1966]]

THRU: ^[[Dr. Cowan

FROM : Mr. Hutlbut ^[[E.O.H.]] Dr. Galler Mr. Bradley Dr. Helmut K. Buechner ^[[HKB]]

SUBJECT: ^[[Korean Research Project]] [[/preprinted]]

On 26 July the Smithsonian submitted a contract proposal to the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (copy attached) to develop a research program in the Buffer Zone south of the Demilitarized Zone in Korea. It seems highly likely that this proposal will be approved, but funds would not be available before 15 October 1966, the requested starting date.

In Dr. Galler's covering letter of 26 July, the Smithsonian requested a Preresearch Agreement cost clause that will enable us to be reimbursed for project start-up costs between 15 August and 15 October. It is important to this project that Dr. Edwin L. Tyson, who will serve as a research associate to myself and Dr. Yang Sun Kang (Head of the Department of Zoology at Seoul National University) attend the Pacific Science Congress (22 August - 9 September) and join the project reconnaisance team in Korea immediately after the conference.  Provision is also made in the contract to pay expenses of U.S. and Korean scientists to meet in Korea and visit the Buffer Zone from 10 to 17 September.

I would like to request [[underlined]] $8,500 [[/underlined]] from the private side of the Smithsonian as an advance on the Korean Project. This amount includes approximately $1,600 for movement of Dr. Tyson's family to Korea, which is a necessary condition of his employment. The Air Force may disallow reimbursement of this expense.

There has been no advance agreement with the Air Force regarding: 1-Definite support for this project or, 2-Assured reimbursement of the two months' expense. However, this is intended to be a multi-year project and it is felt that this is a wise expenditure of funds necessary to commence operations.


^[[a/c'd through
Dr Cowan to Dr Gallen
1030, 9 Aug 66

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